Source code for c3.libraries.chip

"""Component class and subclasses for the components making up the quantum device."""
import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from c3.c3objs import C3obj, Quantity
from c3.libraries.constants import kb, hbar
from c3.libraries.hamiltonians import hamiltonians
from c3.utils.qt_utils import hilbert_space_kron as hskron
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from typing import List, Dict, Union

device_lib = dict()

[docs]def dev_reg_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ device_lib[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]class PhysicalComponent(C3obj): """ Represents the components making up a chip. Parameters ---------- hilbert_dim : int Dimension of the Hilbert space of this component """ def __init__(self, **props): self.params = {} self.hilbert_dim = props.pop("hilbert_dim", None) super().__init__(**props) self.Hs = {} self.collapse_ops = {} self.drive_line = None self.index = None
[docs] def set_subspace_index(self, index): self.index = index
[docs] def get_transformed_hamiltonians(self, transform: tf.Tensor = None): """ get transformed hamiltonians with given applied transformation. The Hamiltonians are assumed to be stored in `Hs`. Parameters ---------- transform: transform to be applied to the hamiltonians. Default: None for returning the hamiltonians without transformation applied. Returns ------- """ if transform is None: return copy.deepcopy(self.Hs) transformed_Hs = dict() for key, ham in self.Hs.items(): transformed_Hs[key] = tf.matmul( tf.matmul(transform, self.Hs[key], adjoint_a=True), transform ) return transformed_Hs
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ) -> Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: """ Compute the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- signal: dictionary with signals to be used a time dependend Hamiltonian. By default "values" key will be used. If `true` value control hamiltonian will be returned, used for later combination of signal and hamiltonians. transform: transform the hamiltonian, e.g. for expressing the hamiltonian in the expressed basis. Use this function if transform will be necessary and signal is given, in order to apply the `transform` only on single hamiltonians instead of all timeslices. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: params = {} for key, item in self.params.items(): params[key] = item.asdict() return { "c3type": self.__class__.__name__, "params": params, "hilbert_dim": self.hilbert_dim, }
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Qubit(PhysicalComponent): """ Represents the element in a chip functioning as qubit. Parameters ---------- freq: Quantity frequency of the qubit anhar: Quantity anharmonicity of the qubit. defined as w01 - w12 t1:Quantity t1, the time decay of the qubit due to dissipation t2star: Quantity t2star, the time decay of the qubit due to pure dephasing temp: Quantity temperature of the qubit, used to determine the Boltzmann distribution of energy level populations """ def __init__( self, name, hilbert_dim, desc=None, comment=None, freq: Quantity = None, anhar: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, params=None, ): # TODO Cleanup params passing and check for conflicting information super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, params=params, ) if freq: self.params["freq"] = freq if anhar: self.params["anhar"] = anhar if t1: self.params["t1"] = t1 if t2star: self.params["t2star"] = t2star if temp: self.params["temp"] = temp
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): """ Initialize the qubit Hamiltonians. If the dimension is higher than two, a Duffing oscillator is used. Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space """ resonator = hamiltonians["resonator"] self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant(resonator(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) if self.hilbert_dim > 2: duffing = hamiltonians["duffing"] self.Hs["anhar"] = tf.constant(duffing(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128)
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): """ Compute the Hamiltonian. Multiplies the number operator with the frequency and anharmonicity with the Duffing part and returns their sum. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Hamiltonian """ if signal is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) h = tf.cast(self.params["freq"].get_value(), tf.complex128) * Hs["freq"] if self.hilbert_dim > 2: anhar = tf.cast(self.params["anhar"].get_value(), tf.complex128) h += anhar * Hs["anhar"] return h
[docs] def init_Ls(self, ann_oper): """ Initialize Lindbladian components. Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space """ self.collapse_ops["t1"] = ann_oper self.collapse_ops["temp"] = ann_oper.T.conj() self.collapse_ops["t2star"] = 2 * tf.matmul(ann_oper.T.conj(), ann_oper)
[docs] def get_Lindbladian(self, dims): """ Compute the Lindbladian, based on relaxation, dephasing constants and finite temperature. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Hamiltonian """ Ls = [] if "t1" in self.params: t1 = self.params["t1"].get_value() gamma = (1 / t1) ** 0.5 L = gamma * self.collapse_ops["t1"] Ls.append(L) if "temp" in self.params: if self.hilbert_dim > 2: freq = self.params["freq"].get_value() anhar = self.params["anhar"].get_value() freq_diff = np.array( [freq + n * anhar for n in range(self.hilbert_dim)] ) else: freq_diff = np.array([self.params["freq"].get_value(), 0]) beta = 1 / (self.params["temp"].get_value() * kb) det_bal = tf.exp(-hbar * tf.cast(freq_diff, tf.float64) * beta) det_bal_mat = hskron(tf.linalg.tensor_diag(det_bal), self.index, dims) L = gamma * tf.matmul(self.collapse_ops["temp"], det_bal_mat) Ls.append(L) if "t2star" in self.params: gamma = (0.5 / self.params["t2star"].get_value()) ** 0.5 L = gamma * self.collapse_ops["t2star"] Ls.append(L) if not Ls: raise Exception("No T1 or T2 provided") return tf.cast(sum(Ls), tf.complex128)
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Resonator(PhysicalComponent): """ Represents the element in a chip functioning as resonator. Parameters ---------- freq: Quantity frequency of the resonator """
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): """ Initialize the Hamiltonian as a number operator Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space. """ self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant( hamiltonians["resonator"](ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128 )
[docs] def init_Ls(self, ann_oper): """NOT IMPLEMENTED""" pass
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): """Compute the Hamiltonian.""" if signal: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) freq = tf.cast(self.params["freq"].get_value(), tf.complex128) return freq * Hs["freq"]
[docs] def get_Lindbladian(self, dims): """NOT IMPLEMENTED""" pass
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Transmon(PhysicalComponent): """ Represents the element in a chip functioning as tunanble transmon qubit. Parameters ---------- freq: Quantity base frequency of the Transmon phi_0: Quantity half period of the phase dependant function phi: Quantity flux position """ def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = None, comment: str = None, hilbert_dim: int = None, freq: Quantity = None, anhar: Quantity = None, phi: Quantity = None, phi_0: Quantity = None, gamma: Quantity = None, d: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, params=None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, params=params, ) if freq: self.params["freq"] = freq if phi: self.params["phi"] = phi if phi_0: self.params["phi_0"] = phi_0 if d: self.params["d"] = d elif gamma: self.params["gamma"] = gamma if anhar: # Anharmonicity corresponding to the charging energy in the two-level case self.params["anhar"] = anhar if t1: self.params["t1"] = t1 if t2star: self.params["t2star"] = t2star if temp: self.params["temp"] = temp if "d" not in self.params.keys() and "gamma" not in self.params.keys(): warnings.warn( "C3:WANING: No junction asymmetry specified, setting symmetric SQUID" " for tuning." )
[docs] def get_factor(self, phi_sig=0): pi = tf.constant(np.pi, tf.float64) phi = self.params["phi"].get_value() phi += phi_sig phi_0 = self.params["phi_0"].get_value() if "d" in self.params: d = self.params["d"].get_value() elif "gamma" in self.params: gamma = self.params["gamma"].get_value() d = (gamma - 1) / (gamma + 1) else: d = 0 factor = tf.sqrt( tf.sqrt( tf.cos(pi * phi / phi_0) ** 2 + d**2 * tf.sin(pi * phi / phi_0) ** 2 ) ) return factor
[docs] def get_anhar(self): anhar = tf.cast(self.params["anhar"].get_value(), tf.complex128) return anhar
[docs] def get_freq(self, phi_sig=0): # TODO: Check how the time dependency affects the frequency. (Koch et al. , 2007) freq = self.params["freq"].get_value() anhar = self.params["anhar"].get_value() biased_freq = (freq - anhar) * self.get_factor(phi_sig) + anhar return tf.cast(biased_freq, tf.complex128)
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): resonator = hamiltonians["resonator"] self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant(resonator(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) if self.hilbert_dim > 2: duffing = hamiltonians["duffing"] self.Hs["anhar"] = tf.constant(duffing(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128)
[docs] def init_Ls(self, ann_oper): """ Initialize Lindbladian components. Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space """ self.collapse_ops["t1"] = ann_oper self.collapse_ops["temp"] = ann_oper.T.conj() self.collapse_ops["t2star"] = 2 * tf.matmul(ann_oper.T.conj(), ann_oper)
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) H_freq = Hs["freq"] if isinstance(signal, dict): sig = signal["values"] freq = tf.cast(self.get_freq(sig), tf.complex128) freq = tf.reshape(freq, [freq.shape[0], 1, 1]) tf.expand_dims(H_freq, 0) * freq else: freq = self.get_freq() h = freq * H_freq if self.hilbert_dim > 2: h += self.get_anhar() * Hs["anhar"] return h
[docs] def get_Lindbladian(self, dims): """ Compute the Lindbladian, based on relaxation, dephasing constants and finite temperature. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Hamiltonian """ Ls = [] if "t1" in self.params: t1 = self.params["t1"].get_value() gamma = (0.5 / t1) ** 0.5 L = gamma * self.collapse_ops["t1"] Ls.append(L) if "temp" in self.params: if self.params["temp"].get_value().numpy(): if self.hilbert_dim > 2: freq_diff = np.array( [ ( self.params["freq"].get_value() + n * self.params["anhar"].get_value() ) for n in range(self.hilbert_dim) ] ) else: freq_diff = np.array([self.params["freq"].get_value(), 0]) beta = 1 / (self.params["temp"].get_value() * kb) det_bal = tf.exp(-hbar * tf.cast(freq_diff, tf.float64) * beta) det_bal_mat = hskron( tf.linalg.tensor_diag(det_bal), self.index, dims ) L = gamma * tf.matmul(self.collapse_ops["temp"], det_bal_mat) Ls.append(L) if "t2star" in self.params: gamma = (0.5 / self.params["t2star"].get_value()) ** 0.5 L = gamma * self.collapse_ops["t2star"] Ls.append(L) if len(Ls) == 0: raise Exception("No T1 or T2 provided") return tf.cast(sum(Ls), tf.complex128)
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class TransmonExpanded(Transmon):
[docs] def get_Hs(self, ann_oper): ann_oper = tf.constant(ann_oper, tf.complex128) ann_oper_dag = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(ann_oper, conjugate=True) adag_plus_a = ann_oper_dag + ann_oper sq_adag_plus_a = tf.linalg.matmul(adag_plus_a, adag_plus_a) quartic_adag_plus_a = tf.linalg.matmul(sq_adag_plus_a, sq_adag_plus_a) sextic_adag_plus_a = tf.linalg.matmul(quartic_adag_plus_a, sq_adag_plus_a) Hs = dict() Hs["quadratic"] = tf.linalg.matmul(ann_oper_dag, ann_oper) # + 1 / 2 Hs["quartic"] = quartic_adag_plus_a Hs["sextic"] = sextic_adag_plus_a return Hs
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): ann_oper_loc = np.diag(np.sqrt(range(1, int(np.max(ann_oper) ** 2))), k=1) self.Hs = self.get_Hs(ann_oper) self.Hs_local = self.get_Hs(ann_oper_loc) if "EC" not in self.params: self.energies_from_frequencies()
[docs] def get_prefactors(self, sig): EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() * self.get_factor(sig) ** 2.0 prefactors = dict() prefactors["quadratic"] = tf.math.sqrt(8.0 * EC * EJ) prefactors["quartic"] = -EC / 12 prefactors["sextic"] = EJ / 720 * (2 * EC / EJ) ** (3 / 2) return prefactors
[docs] def energies_from_frequencies(self): freq = self.params["freq"].get_value() anhar = self.params["anhar"].get_value() phi = self.params["phi"].get_value() EC_guess = -anhar EJ_guess = (freq + EC_guess) ** 2 / (8 * EC_guess) self.params["EC"] = Quantity( EC_guess, min_val=0.0 * EC_guess, max_val=2 * EC_guess ) self.params["EJ"] = Quantity( EJ_guess, min_val=0.0 * EJ_guess, max_val=2 * EJ_guess ) def eval_func(x): EC, EJ = x self.params["EC"].set_opt_value(EC) self.params["EJ"].set_opt_value(EJ) prefactors = self.get_prefactors(-phi) h = tf.zeros_like(self.Hs_local["quadratic"]) for k in prefactors: h += self.Hs_local[k] * tf.cast(prefactors[k], tf.complex128) es = tf.linalg.eigvalsh(h) es -= es[0] freq_diff = tf.math.abs(tf.math.real(es[1] - es[0]) - freq) anhar_diff = tf.math.abs(tf.math.real(es[2] - es[1]) - (freq + anhar)) return freq_diff + anhar_diff fmin( eval_func, x0=[self.params["EC"].get_opt_value(), self.params["EJ"].get_opt_value()], disp=False, xtol=1e-9, )
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) if isinstance(signal, dict): sig = signal["values"] sig = tf.reshape(sig, [sig.shape[0], 1, 1]) for k in Hs: Hs[k] = tf.expand_dims(Hs[k], 0) else: sig = 0 prefactors = self.get_prefactors(sig) h = tf.zeros_like(Hs["quadratic"]) for k in prefactors: h += Hs[k] * tf.cast(prefactors[k], tf.complex128) return h
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class CShuntFluxQubitCos(Qubit): def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = None, comment: str = None, hilbert_dim: int = None, calc_dim: int = None, EC: Quantity = None, EJ: Quantity = None, EL: Quantity = None, phi: Quantity = None, phi_0: Quantity = None, gamma: Quantity = None, d: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, anhar: Quantity = None, params=None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, freq=None, anhar=None, t1=t1, t2star=t2star, temp=temp, params=params, ) if EC: self.params["EC"] = EC if EJ: self.params["EJ"] = EJ if EL: self.params["EL"] = EL if phi: self.params["phi"] = phi if phi_0: self.params["phi_0"] = phi_0 if gamma: self.params["gamma"] = gamma if calc_dim: self.params["calc_dim"] = calc_dim
[docs] def get_phase_variable(self): ann_oper = tf.linalg.diag( tf.math.sqrt(tf.range(1, self.params["calc_dim"], dtype=tf.float64)), k=1 ) EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi_zpf = (2.0 * EC / EJ) ** 0.25 return tf.cast( phi_zpf * (tf.transpose(ann_oper, conjugate=True) + ann_oper), tf.complex128 )
[docs] def get_n_variable(self): ann_oper = tf.linalg.diag( tf.math.sqrt(tf.range(1, self.params["calc_dim"], dtype=tf.float64)), k=1 ) EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() n_zpf = (EJ / EC / 32) ** 0.25 return tf.cast( n_zpf * (-tf.transpose(ann_oper, conjugate=True) + ann_oper), tf.complex128 )
[docs] def init_exponentiated_vars(self, ann_oper): # TODO check if a 2Pi should be included in the exponentiation self.exp_phi_op = tf.linalg.expm(1.0j * self.get_phase_variable())
[docs] def get_freq(self): EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EL = self.params["EL"].get_value() return tf.cast(tf.math.sqrt(8.0 * EL * EC), tf.complex128)
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): # self.init_exponentiated_vars(ann_oper) # resonator = hamiltonians["resonator"] # self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant(resonator(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) # # self.Hs["freq"] = tf.cast(tf.linalg.diag(tf.range(self.params['calc_dim'], dtype=tf.float64)), tf.complex128) pass
[docs] def cosm(self, var, a=1, b=0): exponent = 1j * (a * var) exp_mat = tf.linalg.expm(exponent) * tf.exp(1j * b) cos_mat = 0.5 * (exp_mat + tf.transpose(exp_mat, conjugate=True)) return cos_mat
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): if signal: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") if transform: raise NotImplementedError() EJ = tf.cast(self.params["EJ"].get_value(), tf.complex128) EC = tf.cast(self.params["EC"].get_value(), tf.complex128) gamma = tf.cast(self.params["gamma"].get_value(), tf.complex128) phi = tf.cast(self.params["phi"].get_value(), tf.complex128) phi_0 = tf.cast(self.params["phi_0"].get_value(), tf.complex128) phase = tf.cast(2 * np.pi * phi / phi_0, tf.complex128) phi_variable = self.get_phase_variable() n = self.get_n_variable() h = 4 * EC * n + EJ * ( -1 * self.cosm(phi_variable, 2, phase) - 2 * gamma * self.cosm(phi_variable) ) return tf.cast(tf.math.real(h), tf.complex128) # TODO apply kronecker product
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class CShuntFluxQubit(Qubit): def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = None, comment: str = None, hilbert_dim: int = None, calc_dim: int = None, EC: Quantity = None, EJ: Quantity = None, EL: Quantity = None, phi: Quantity = None, phi_0: Quantity = None, gamma: Quantity = None, d: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, anhar: Quantity = None, params=dict(), resolution=None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, freq=None, anhar=None, t1=t1, t2star=t2star, temp=temp, params=params, ) self.inputs = params.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = params.pop("outputs", 0) if resolution: self.resolution = resolution self.inputs = 1 self.outputs = 2 if EC: self.params["EC"] = EC if EJ: self.params["EJ"] = EJ if EL: self.params["EL"] = EL if phi: self.params["phi"] = phi if phi_0: self.params["phi_0"] = phi_0 if gamma: self.params["gamma"] = gamma if calc_dim: self.params["calc_dim"] = calc_dim self.phi_var_min_ref = None self.min_phi_var_change_test = 1312341234 # Random Wrong Number
[docs] def get_potential_function(self, phi_variable, deriv_order=1, phi_sig=0): phi = ( (self.params["phi"].get_value() + phi_sig) / self.params["phi_0"].get_value() * 2 * np.pi ) gamma = self.params["gamma"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi_variable = tf.cast(phi_variable, tf.float64) if deriv_order == 0: # Has to be defined return EJ * ( -1 * tf.cos(phi_variable + phi) - 2 * gamma * tf.cos(phi_variable / 2) ) elif deriv_order == 1: return ( EJ * ( +2 * tf.sin(phi_variable + phi) + 2 * gamma * tf.sin(phi_variable / 2) ) / 2 ) # TODO: Why is this different than Krantz???? elif deriv_order == 2: return ( EJ * ( +4 * tf.cos(phi_variable + phi) + 2 * gamma * tf.cos(phi_variable / 2) ) / 4 ) elif deriv_order == 3: return ( EJ * ( -8 * tf.sin(phi_variable + phi) - 2 * gamma * tf.sin(phi_variable / 2) ) / 8 ) elif deriv_order == 4: return ( EJ * ( -16 * tf.cos(phi_variable + phi) - 2 * gamma * tf.cos(phi_variable / 2) ) / 16 ) else: # Calculate derivative by tensorflow with tf.GradientTape() as tape: val = self.get_potential_function(phi_variable, deriv_order - 1) return tape.gradient(val, phi_variable)
[docs] def get_minimum_phi_var(self, init_phi_variable: tf.float64 = 0, phi_sig=0): # TODO maybe improve to analytical funciton here # TODO do not reevaluate if not necessary phi_0 = self.params["phi_0"].get_value() initial_pot_eval = self.get_potential_function(0.0, 0) if self.min_phi_var_change_test != initial_pot_eval and phi_sig == 0: phi_var_min = fmin( self.get_potential_function, [init_phi_variable], args=(0, 0), disp=False, ) self.min_phi_var_interpolation = None self.min_phi_var_change_test = initial_pot_eval print(phi_var_min) return phi_var_min if not ( self.phi_var_min_ref is not None and self.min_phi_var_change_test == initial_pot_eval ): print(self.params["phi"], phi_sig) phi_var_min_ref = list() print("a") for phi_i in np.linspace(0, phi_0, 50): # Interpolate over 50 points phi_var_min_ref.append( fmin( self.get_potential_function, [init_phi_variable], args=(0, phi_i), disp=False, ) ) print("b") self.phi_var_min_ref = tf.reshape( tf.constant(phi_var_min_ref, tf.float64), len(phi_var_min_ref) ) # self.min_phi_var_interpolation = lambda x: tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid(tf.math.mod(x, phi_0), 0, phi_0, phi_var_min_ref) self.min_phi_var_change_test = initial_pot_eval phi_var_min = tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid( tf.math.mod(phi_sig, phi_0), 0, phi_0, self.phi_var_min_ref ) return phi_var_min
# gamma = self.params["gamma"].get_value() # return tf.cast(0.5, tf.float64)
[docs] def get_frequency(self, phi_sig=0): EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi_var_min = self.get_minimum_phi_var(phi_sig=phi_sig) second_order_deriv = self.get_potential_function( phi_var_min, 2, phi_sig=phi_sig ) fourth_order_deriv = self.get_potential_function( phi_var_min, 4, phi_sig=phi_sig ) # if type(phi_sig) is not int: # print(phi_var_min.shape, phi_sig.shape, second_order_deriv.shape) return ( tf.math.sqrt(2 * EJ * EC) + tf.math.sqrt(2 * EC / EJ) * second_order_deriv + EC / EJ * fourth_order_deriv )
get_freq = get_frequency
[docs] def get_anharmonicity(self, phi_sig=0): EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi_var_min = self.get_minimum_phi_var() fourth_order_deriv = self.get_potential_function( phi_var_min, 4, phi_sig=phi_sig ) return EC / EJ * fourth_order_deriv
[docs] def get_third_order_prefactor(self, phi_sig=0): EC = self.params["EC"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi_var_min = self.get_minimum_phi_var() third_order_deriv = self.get_potential_function(phi_var_min, 3, phi_sig=phi_sig) return 0.5 * ((2 * EC / EJ) ** 0.75) * third_order_deriv
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): """ initialize Hamiltonians for cubic hamiltinian Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space """ resonator = hamiltonians["resonator"] self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant(resonator(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) if self.hilbert_dim > 2: duffing = hamiltonians["duffing"] self.Hs["anhar"] = tf.constant(duffing(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) third = hamiltonians["third_order"] self.Hs["third_order"] = tf.constant(third(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128)
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ) -> tf.Tensor: """ Calculate the hamiltonian Returns ------- tf.Tensor Hamiltonian """ if signal: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) h = tf.cast(self.get_frequency(), tf.complex128) * Hs["freq"] # h += tf.cast(self.get_third_order_prefactor(), tf.complex128) * Hs["third_order"] if self.hilbert_dim > 2: h += tf.cast(self.get_anharmonicity(), tf.complex128) * Hs["anhar"] return h
# def process(self, instr, chan: str, signal_in): # sig = signal_in["values"] # anharmonicity = self.get_anharmonicity(sig) # frequency = self.get_frequency(sig) # # third_order = self.get_third_order_prefactor(sig) # h = ( # tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(frequency, tf.complex128), 1), 2) # * self.Hs["freq"] # ) # if self.hilbert_dim > 2: # # h += tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(third_order, tf.complex128), 1), 2) * self.Hs["third_order"] # h += ( # tf.expand_dims( # tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(anharmonicity, tf.complex128), 1), 2 # ) # * self.Hs["anhar"] # ) # self.signal_h = h # return { # "ts": signal_in["ts"], # "frequency": frequency, # "anharmonicity": anharmonicity, # } # , "#third order": third_order}
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Fluxonium(CShuntFluxQubit): def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = None, comment: str = None, hilbert_dim: int = None, calc_dim: int = None, EC: Quantity = None, EJ: Quantity = None, EL: Quantity = None, phi: Quantity = None, phi_0: Quantity = None, gamma: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, params=None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, EC=EC, EJ=EJ, phi=phi, phi_0=phi_0, gamma=gamma, t1=t1, t2star=t2star, temp=temp, params=params, ) # if EC: # self.params["EC"] = EC # if EJ: # self.params["EJ"] = EJ if EL: self.params["EL"] = EL # if phi: # self.params["phi"] = phi # if phi_0: # self.params["phi_0"] = phi_0 # if gamma: # self.params["gamma"] = gamma # if calc_dim: # self.params["calc_dim"] = calc_dim
[docs] def get_potential_function( self, phi_variable, deriv_order=1, phi_sig=0 ) -> tf.float64: if phi_sig != 0: raise NotImplementedError() EL = self.params["EL"].get_value() EJ = self.params["EJ"].get_value() phi = ( self.params["phi"].get_value() / self.params["phi_0"].get_value() * 2 * np.pi ) if deriv_order == 0: # Has to be defined return -EJ * tf.math.cos(phi_variable + phi) + 0.5 * EL * phi_variable**2 elif deriv_order == 1: return EJ * tf.math.sin(phi_variable + phi) + EL * phi_variable elif deriv_order == 2: return EJ * tf.math.cos(phi_variable + phi) + EL elif deriv_order == 3: return -EJ * tf.math.sin(phi_variable + phi) else: # Calculate derivative by tensorflow with tf.GradientTape() as tape: val = self.get_potential_function(phi_variable, deriv_order - 1) grad = tape.gradient(val, phi_variable) return grad
# # def get_minimum_phi_var(self, init_phi_variable: tf.float64 = 0) -> tf.float64: # # Redefine here as minimizing function does not work otherwise # # TODO maybe improve to analytical funciton here # # TODO do not reevaluate if not necessary # phi_var_min = fmin(self.get_potential_function, [init_phi_variable], args=(0,), disp=False) # return tf.constant(phi_var_min, tf.float64) # # def part(self): # pass
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class SNAIL(Qubit): """ Represents the element in a chip functioning as a three wave mixing element also knwon as a SNAIL. Reference: Parameters ---------- freq: Quantity frequency of the qubit anhar: Quantity anharmonicity of the qubit. defined as w01 - w12 beta: Quantity third order non_linearity of the qubit. t1: Quantity t1, the time decay of the qubit due to dissipation t2star: Quantity t2star, the time decay of the qubit due to pure dephasing temp: Quantity temperature of the qubit, used to determine the Boltzmann distribution of energy level populations Class is mostly an exact copy of the Qubit class. The only difference is the added third order non linearity with a prefactor beta. The only modification is the get hamiltonian and init hamiltonian definition. Also imported the necessary third order non linearity from the hamiltonian library. """ def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = " ", comment: str = " ", hilbert_dim: int = 4, freq: Quantity = None, anhar: Quantity = None, beta: Quantity = None, t1: Quantity = None, t2star: Quantity = None, temp: Quantity = None, params: dict = None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, hilbert_dim=hilbert_dim, t1=t1, t2star=t2star, temp=temp, params=params, ) self.params["freq"] = freq self.params["beta"] = beta if anhar: self.params["anhar"] = anhar if t1: self.params["t1"] = t1 if t2star: self.params["t2star"] = t2star if temp: self.params["temp"] = temp
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_oper): """ Initialize the SNAIL Hamiltonians. Parameters ---------- ann_oper : np.array Annihilation operator in the full Hilbert space """ resonator = hamiltonians["resonator"] self.Hs["freq"] = tf.constant(resonator(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) if self.hilbert_dim > 2: duffing = hamiltonians["duffing"] self.Hs["anhar"] = tf.constant(duffing(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128) third = hamiltonians["third_order"] self.Hs["beta"] = tf.constant(third(ann_oper), dtype=tf.complex128)
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): """ Compute the Hamiltonian. Multiplies the number operator with the frequency and anharmonicity with the Duffing part and returns their sum. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Hamiltonian """ if signal: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") Hs = self.get_transformed_hamiltonians(transform) if transform: raise NotImplementedError() h = tf.cast(self.params["freq"].get_value(), tf.complex128) * Hs["freq"] h += tf.cast(self.params["beta"].get_value(), tf.complex128) * Hs["beta"] if self.hilbert_dim > 2: h += tf.cast(self.params["anhar"].get_value(), tf.complex128) * Hs["anhar"] return h
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class LineComponent(C3obj): """ Represents the components connecting chip elements and drives. Parameters ---------- connected: list specifies the component that are connected with this line """ def __init__(self, **props): h_func = props.pop("hamiltonian_func") self.connected = props.pop("connected") if callable(h_func): self.hamiltonian_func = h_func else: self.hamiltonian_func = hamiltonians[h_func] super().__init__(**props) self.Hs = {}
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: params = {} for key, item in self.params.items(): params[key] = item.asdict() return { "c3type": self.__class__.__name__, "params": params, "hamiltonian_func": self.hamiltonian_func.__name__, "connected": self.connected, }
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Coupling(LineComponent): """ Represents a coupling behaviour between elements. Parameters ---------- strength: Quantity coupling strength connected: list all physical components coupled via this specific coupling """ def __init__( self, name, desc=None, comment=None, strength: Quantity = None, connected: List[str] = None, params=None, hamiltonian_func=None, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, params=params, connected=connected, hamiltonian_func=hamiltonian_func, ) if strength: self.params["strength"] = strength
[docs] def init_Hs(self, opers_list): self.Hs["strength"] = tf.constant( self.hamiltonian_func(opers_list), dtype=tf.complex128 )
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ): if signal: raise NotImplementedError(f"implement action of signal on {}") if transform: raise NotImplementedError() strength = tf.cast(self.params["strength"].get_value(), tf.complex128) return strength * self.Hs["strength"]
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Drive(LineComponent): """ Represents a drive line. Parameters ---------- connected: list all physical components receiving driving signals via this line """
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_opers: list): hs = [] for a in ann_opers: hs.append(tf.constant(self.hamiltonian_func(a), dtype=tf.complex128)) self.h: tf.Tensor = tf.cast(sum(hs), tf.complex128)
[docs] def get_Hamiltonian( self, signal: Union[Dict, bool] = None, transform: tf.Tensor = None ) -> tf.Tensor: if signal is None: return tf.zeros_like(self.h) h = self.h if transform is not None: transform = tf.cast(transform, tf.complex128) h = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(transform, h, adjoint_a=True), transform) if signal is True: return h elif isinstance(signal, dict): sig = tf.cast(signal["values"], tf.complex128) sig = tf.reshape(sig, [sig.shape[0], 1, 1]) return tf.expand_dims(h, 0) * sig
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Coupling_Drive(Drive): """ Represents a drive line that couples multiple qubits. Parameters ---------- connected: list all physical components receiving driving signals via this line """
[docs] def init_Hs(self, ann_opers: list): self.h = tf.constant(self.hamiltonian_func(ann_opers), dtype=tf.complex128)