Source code for c3.libraries.propagation

"A library for propagators and closely related functions"
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from typing import Dict
from c3.model import Model
from c3.generator.generator import Generator
from c3.signal.gates import Instruction
from c3.utils.tf_utils import (

unitary_provider = dict()
state_provider = dict()
solver_dict = dict()
step_dict = dict()

# Dictionary specifying the slice length for a dt for every solver
# the first element is the interpolation resolution
# the second element is the number of arguments per time step
# the third element is written in tf_utils.interpolate_signal according to corresponding Tableau
solver_slicing = {
    "rk4": [2, 3, 2],
    "rk38": [3, 4, 3],
    "rk5": [6, 6, -1],
    "tsit5": [6, 6, -2],

def step_vonNeumann_psi(psi, h, dt):
    return -1j * dt * tf.linalg.matvec(h, psi)

[docs]def unitary_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ unitary_provider[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]def state_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ state_provider[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]def solver_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of solvers """ solver_dict[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]def step_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of solvers """ step_dict[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
@unitary_deco def gen_dus_rk4(h, dt, dim=None): dUs = [] dU = [] if dim is None: tot_dim = tf.shape(h) dim = tot_dim[1] for jj in range(0, len(h) - 2, 2): dU = gen_du_rk4(h[jj : jj + 3], dt, dim) dUs.append(dU) return dUs def gen_du_rk4(h, dt, dim): temp = [] for ii in range(dim): psi = tf.one_hot(ii, dim, dtype=tf.complex128) psi = rk4_step(h, psi, dt) temp.append(psi) dU = tf.stack(temp) return dU def rk4_step(h, psi, dt): k1 = step_vonNeumann_psi(psi, h[0], dt) k2 = step_vonNeumann_psi(psi + k1 / 2.0, h[1], dt) k3 = step_vonNeumann_psi(psi + k2 / 2.0, h[1], dt) k4 = step_vonNeumann_psi(psi + k3, h[2], dt) psi += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6.0 return psi def get_hs_of_t_ts( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, prop_res=1 ) -> Dict: if model.controllability: hs_of_ts = _get_hs_of_t_ts_controlled(model, gen, instr, prop_res) else: hs_of_ts = _get_hs_of_t_ts(model, gen, instr, prop_res) return hs_of_ts def _get_hs_of_t_ts_controlled( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, prop_res=1 ) -> Dict: """ Return a Dict containing: - a list of H(t) = H_0 + sum_k c_k H_k. - time slices ts - timestep dt Parameters ---------- prop_res : tf.float resolution required by the propagation method h0 : tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian. hks : list of tf.tensor List of control Hamiltonians. cflds_t : array of tf.float Vector of control field values at time t. ts : float Length of one time slice. """ Hs = [] ts = [] gen.resolution = prop_res * gen.resolution signal = gen.generate_signals(instr) h0, hctrls = model.get_Hamiltonians() signals = [] hks = [] for key in signal: signals.append(signal[key]["values"]) ts = signal[key]["ts"] hks.append(hctrls[key]) cflds = tf.cast(signals, tf.complex128) hks = tf.cast(hks, tf.complex128) for ii in range(cflds[0].shape[0]): cf_t = [] for fields in cflds: cf_t.append(tf.cast(fields[ii], tf.complex128)) Hs.append(sum_h0_hks(h0, hks, cf_t)) dt = tf.constant(ts[1 * prop_res].numpy() - ts[0].numpy(), dtype=tf.complex128) return {"Hs": Hs, "ts": ts[::prop_res], "dt": dt} def _get_hs_of_t_ts( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, prop_res=1 ) -> Dict: """ Return a Dict containing: - a list of H(t) = H_0 + sum_k c_k H_k. - time slices ts - timestep dt Parameters ---------- prop_res : tf.float resolution required by the propagation method h0 : tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian. hks : list of tf.tensor List of control Hamiltonians. cflds_t : array of tf.float Vector of control field values at time t. ts : float Length of one time slice. """ Hs = [] ts = [] gen.resolution = prop_res * gen.resolution signal = gen.generate_signals(instr) Hs = model.get_Hamiltonian(signal) ts_list = [sig["ts"][1:] for sig in signal.values()] ts = tf.constant(tf.math.reduce_mean(ts_list, axis=0)) if not np.all(tf.math.reduce_variance(ts_list, axis=0) < 1e-5 * (ts[1] - ts[0])): raise Exception("C3Error:Something with the times happend.") if not np.all(tf.math.reduce_variance(ts[1:] - ts[:-1]) < 1e-5 * (ts[1] - ts[0])): # type: ignore raise Exception("C3Error:Something with the times happend.") dt = tf.constant(ts[1 * prop_res].numpy() - ts[0].numpy(), dtype=tf.complex128) return {"Hs": Hs, "ts": ts[::prop_res], "dt": dt}
[docs]def sum_h0_hks(h0, hks, cf_t): """ Compute and Return H(t) = H_0 + sum_k c_k H_k. """ h_of_t = h0 ii = 0 while ii < len(hks): h_of_t += cf_t[ii] * hks[ii] ii += 1 return h_of_t
@unitary_deco def rk4_unitary( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, init_state=None ) -> Dict: prop_res = 2 dim = model.tot_dim Hs = [] ts = [] dUs = [] dict_vals = get_hs_of_t_ts(model, gen, instr, prop_res) Hs = dict_vals["Hs"] ts = dict_vals["ts"] dt = dict_vals["dt"] dUs = gen_dus_rk4(Hs, dt, dim) U = gen_u_rk4(Hs, dt, dim) if model.max_excitations: U = model.blowup_excitations(U) dUs = tf.vectorized_map(model.blowup_excitations, dUs) return {"U": U, "dUs": dUs, "ts": ts} def gen_u_rk4(h, dt, dim): U = [] for ii in range(dim): psi = tf.one_hot(ii, dim, dtype=tf.complex128) for jj in range(0, len(h) - 2, 2): psi = rk4_step(h[jj : jj + 3], psi, dt) U.append(psi) U = tf.stack(U) return tf.transpose(U)
[docs]@unitary_deco def pwc( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, folding_stack: list, batch_size=None, ) -> Dict: """ Solve the equation of motion (Lindblad or Schrรถdinger) for a given control signal and Hamiltonians. Parameters ---------- signal: dict Waveform of the control signal per drive line. gate: str Identifier for one of the gates. Returns ------- unitary Matrix representation of the gate. """ signal = gen.generate_signals(instr) # Why do I get 0.0 if I print gen.resolution here?! FR ts = [] if model.controllability: h0, hctrls = model.get_Hamiltonians() signals = [] hks = [] for key in signal: signals.append(signal[key]["values"]) ts = signal[key]["ts"] hks.append(hctrls[key]) signals = tf.cast(signals, tf.complex128) hks = tf.cast(hks, tf.complex128) else: h0 = model.get_Hamiltonian(signal) ts_list = [sig["ts"][1:] for sig in signal.values()] ts = tf.constant(tf.math.reduce_mean(ts_list, axis=0)) hks = None signals = None if not np.all( tf.math.reduce_variance(ts_list, axis=0) < 1e-5 * (ts[1] - ts[0]) ): raise Exception("C3Error:Something with the times happend.") if not np.all( tf.math.reduce_variance(ts[1:] - ts[:-1]) < 1e-5 * (ts[1] - ts[0]) # type: ignore ): raise Exception("C3Error:Something with the times happend.") dt = ts[1] - ts[0] if batch_size is None: batch_size = tf.constant(len(ts), tf.int32) else: batch_size = tf.constant(batch_size, tf.int32) if model.lindbladian: col_ops = model.get_Lindbladians() if model.max_excitations: cutter = model.ex_cutter col_ops = [cutter @ col_op @ cutter.T for col_op in col_ops] dUs = tf_batch_propagate( h0, hks, signals, dt, batch_size=batch_size, col_ops=col_ops, lindbladian=True, ) else: dUs = tf_batch_propagate(h0, hks, signals, dt, batch_size=batch_size) # U = tf_matmul_left(tf.cast(dUs, tf.complex128)) U = tf_matmul_n(dUs, folding_stack) if model.max_excitations: U = model.blowup_excitations(tf_matmul_left(tf.cast(dUs, tf.complex128))) dUs = tf.vectorized_map(model.blowup_excitations, dUs) return {"U": U, "dUs": dUs, "ts": ts}
#################### # HELPER FUNCTIONS # ####################
[docs]def tf_dU_of_t(h0, hks, cflds_t, dt): """ Compute H(t) = H_0 + sum_k c_k H_k and matrix exponential exp(-i H(t) dt). Parameters ---------- h0 : tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian. hks : list of tf.tensor List of control Hamiltonians. cflds_t : array of tf.float Vector of control field values at time t. dt : float Length of one time slice. Returns ------- tf.tensor dU = exp(-i H(t) dt) """ h = h0 ii = 0 while ii < len(hks): h += cflds_t[ii] * hks[ii] ii += 1 # terms = int(1e12 * dt) + 2 # dU = tf_expm(-1j * h * dt, terms) # TODO Make an option for the exponentation method dU = tf.linalg.expm(-1j * h * dt) return dU
[docs]def tf_dU_of_t_lind(h0, hks, col_ops, cflds_t, dt): """ Compute the Lindbladian and it's matrix exponential exp(L(t) dt). Parameters ---------- h0 : tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian. hks : list of tf.tensor List of control Hamiltonians. col_ops : list of tf.tensor List of collapse operators. cflds_t : array of tf.float Vector of control field values at time t. dt : float Length of one time slice. Returns ------- tf.tensor dU = exp(L(t) dt) """ h = h0 for ii in range(len(hks)): h += cflds_t[ii] * hks[ii] lind_op = -1j * (tf_spre(h) - tf_spost(h)) for col_op in col_ops: super_clp = tf.matmul(tf_spre(col_op), tf_spost(tf.linalg.adjoint(col_op))) anticomm_L_clp = 0.5 * tf.matmul( tf_spre(tf.linalg.adjoint(col_op)), tf_spre(col_op) ) anticomm_R_clp = 0.5 * tf.matmul( tf_spost(col_op), tf_spost(tf.linalg.adjoint(col_op)) ) lind_op = lind_op + super_clp - anticomm_L_clp - anticomm_R_clp # terms = int(1e12 * dt) # Eyeball number of terms in expm # print('terms in exponential: ', terms) # dU = tf_expm(lind_op * dt, terms) # Built-in tensorflow exponential below dU = tf.linalg.expm(lind_op * dt) return dU
def tf_propagation_vectorized(h0, hks, cflds_t, dt): dt = tf.cast(dt, dtype=tf.complex128) if hks is not None and cflds_t is not None: cflds_t = tf.cast(cflds_t, dtype=tf.complex128) hks = tf.cast(hks, dtype=tf.complex128) cflds = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(cflds_t, 2), 3) hks = tf.expand_dims(hks, 1) if len(h0.shape) < 3: h0 = tf.expand_dims(h0, 0) prod = cflds * hks h = h0 + tf.reduce_sum(prod, axis=0) else: h = tf.cast(h0, tf.complex128) dh = -1.0j * h * dt return tf.linalg.expm(dh) def pwc_trott_drift(h0, hks, cflds_t, dt): dt = tf.cast(dt, dtype=tf.complex128) cflds_t = tf.cast(cflds_t, dtype=tf.complex128) hks = tf.cast(hks, dtype=tf.complex128) e, v = tf.linalg.eigh(h0) ort = tf.cast(v, dtype=tf.complex128) dE = tf.math.exp(-1.0j * tf.math.real(e) * dt) dU0 = ort @ tf.linalg.diag(dE) @ ort.T prod = cflds_t * hks ht = tf.reduce_sum(prod, axis=0) comm = h0 @ ht - ht @ h0 dh = -1.0j * ht * dt dcomm = -comm * dt**2 / 2.0 dUs = dU0 @ tf.linalg.expm(dh) @ (tf.identity(dU0) - dcomm) return dUs
[docs]def tf_batch_propagate( hamiltonian, hks, signals, dt, batch_size, col_ops=None, lindbladian=False ): """ Propagate signal in batches Parameters ---------- hamiltonian: tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian hks: Union[tf.tensor, List[tf.tensor]] List of control hamiltonians signals: Union[tf.tensor, List[tf.tensor]] List of control signals, one per control hamiltonian dt: float Length of one time slice batch_size: int Number of elements in one batch Returns ------- """ if signals is not None: batches = int(tf.math.ceil(signals.shape[1] / batch_size)) batch_array = tf.TensorArray( signals.dtype, size=batches, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False ) for i in range(batches): batch_array = batch_array.write( i, signals[:, i * batch_size : i * batch_size + batch_size] ) else: batches = int(tf.math.ceil(hamiltonian.shape[0] / batch_size)) batch_array = tf.TensorArray( hamiltonian.dtype, size=batches, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False ) for i in range(batches): batch_array = batch_array.write( i, hamiltonian[i * batch_size : i * batch_size + batch_size] ) dUs_array = tf.TensorArray(tf.complex128, size=batches, infer_shape=False) for i in range(batches): x = if signals is not None: if lindbladian: result = tf_propagation_lind(hamiltonian, hks, col_ops, x, dt) else: result = tf_propagation_vectorized(hamiltonian, hks, x, dt) else: if lindbladian: result = tf_propagation_lind(x, None, None, None, dt) else: result = tf_propagation_vectorized(x, None, None, dt) dUs_array = dUs_array.write(i, result) return dUs_array.concat()
[docs]@unitary_deco def tf_propagation(h0, hks, cflds, dt): """ Calculate the unitary time evolution of a system controlled by time-dependent fields. Parameters ---------- h0 : tf.tensor Drift Hamiltonian. hks : list of tf.tensor List of control Hamiltonians. cflds : list List of control fields, one per control Hamiltonian. dt : float Length of one time slice. Returns ------- list List of incremental propagators dU. """ dUs = [] for ii in range(cflds[0].shape[0]): cf_t = [] for fields in cflds: cf_t.append(tf.cast(fields[ii], tf.complex128)) dUs.append(tf_dU_of_t(h0, hks, cf_t, dt)) return dUs
def tf_propagation_lind(h0, hks, col_ops, cflds_t, dt, history=False): col_ops = tf.cast(col_ops, dtype=tf.complex128) dt = tf.cast(dt, dtype=tf.complex128) if hks is not None and cflds_t is not None: cflds_t = tf.cast(cflds_t, dtype=tf.complex128) hks = tf.cast(hks, dtype=tf.complex128) cflds = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(cflds_t, 2), 3) hks = tf.expand_dims(hks, 1) h0 = tf.expand_dims(h0, 0) prod = cflds * hks h = h0 + tf.reduce_sum(prod, axis=0) else: h = h0 h_id = tf.eye(tf.shape(h)[-1], batch_shape=[tf.shape(h)[0]], dtype=tf.complex128) l_s = tf_kron(h, h_id) r_s = tf_kron(h_id, tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(h)) lind_op = -1j * (l_s - r_s) col_ops_id = tf.eye( col_ops.shape[-1], batch_shape=[col_ops.shape[0]], dtype=tf.complex128 ) l_col_ops = tf_kron(col_ops, col_ops_id) r_col_ops = tf_kron(col_ops_id, tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(col_ops)) super_clp = tf.matmul(l_col_ops, r_col_ops, adjoint_b=True) anticom_L_clp = 0.5 * tf.matmul(l_col_ops, l_col_ops, adjoint_a=True) anticom_R_clp = 0.5 * tf.matmul(r_col_ops, r_col_ops, adjoint_b=True) clp = tf.expand_dims( tf.reduce_sum(super_clp - anticom_L_clp - anticom_R_clp, axis=0), 0 ) lind_op += clp dU = tf.linalg.expm(lind_op * dt) return dU
[docs]def evaluate_sequences(propagators: Dict, sequences: list): """ Compute the total propagator of a sequence of gates. Parameters ---------- propagators : dict Dictionary of unitary representation of gates. sequences : list List of keys from propagators specifying a gate sequence. The sequence is multiplied from the left, i.e. sequence = [U0, U1, U2, ...] is applied as ... U2 * U1 * U0 Returns ------- tf.tensor Propagator of the sequence. """ gates = propagators # get dims to deal with the case where a sequence is empty dim = list(gates.values())[0].shape[0] dtype = list(gates.values())[0].dtype # TODO deal with the case where you only evaluate one sequence U = [] for sequence in sequences: if len(sequence) == 0: U.append(tf.linalg.eye(dim, dtype=dtype)) else: Us = [] for gate in sequence: Us.append(gates[gate]) Us = tf.cast(Us, tf.complex128) U.append(tf_matmul_left(Us)) # ### WARNING WARNING ^^ look there, it says left WARNING return U
[docs]def tf_expm(A, terms): """ Matrix exponential by the series method. Parameters ---------- A : tf.tensor Matrix to be exponentiated. terms : int Number of terms in the series. Returns ------- tf.tensor expm(A) """ r = tf.eye(int(A.shape[-1]), batch_shape=A.shape[:-2], dtype=A.dtype) A_powers = A r += A for ii in range(2, terms): A_powers = tf.matmul(A_powers, A) / tf.cast(ii, tf.complex128) ii += 1 r += A_powers return r
[docs]def tf_expm_dynamic(A, acc=1e-5): """ Matrix exponential by the series method with specified accuracy. Parameters ---------- A : tf.tensor Matrix to be exponentiated. acc : float Accuracy. Stop when the maximum matrix entry reaches Returns ------- tf.tensor expm(A) """ r = tf.eye(int(A.shape[0]), dtype=A.dtype) A_powers = A r += A ii = tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.complex128) while tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(A_powers)) > acc: A_powers = tf.matmul(A_powers, A) / ii ii += 1 r += A_powers return r
@state_deco def ode_solver( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, init_state, solver, step_function ) -> Dict: signal = gen.generate_signals(instr) if model.lindbladian: col = model.get_Lindbladians() step_function = "lindblad" else: col = None interpolate_res = solver_slicing[solver][2] Hs_dict = model.Hs_of_t(signal, interpolate_res=interpolate_res) Hs = Hs_dict["Hs"] ts = Hs_dict["ts"] dt = Hs_dict["dt"] state_list = tf.TensorArray( tf.complex128, size=ts.shape[0], dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False ) state_t = init_state start = solver_slicing[solver][0] stop = solver_slicing[solver][1] ode_step = step_dict[step_function] solver_function = solver_dict[solver] for index in tf.range(ts.shape[0]): h = tf.slice(Hs, [start * index, 0, 0], [stop, Hs.shape[1], Hs.shape[2]]) state_t = solver_function(ode_step, state_t, h, dt, col=col) state_list = state_list.write(index, state_t) states = state_list.stack() return {"states": states, "ts": ts} @state_deco def ode_solver_final_state( model: Model, gen: Generator, instr: Instruction, init_state, solver, step_function ) -> Dict: signal = gen.generate_signals(instr) if model.lindbladian: col = model.get_Lindbladians() step_function = "lindblad" else: col = None interpolate_res = solver_slicing[solver][2] Hs_dict = model.Hs_of_t(signal, interpolate_res=interpolate_res) Hs = Hs_dict["Hs"] ts = Hs_dict["ts"] dt = Hs_dict["dt"] state_t = init_state start = solver_slicing[solver][0] stop = solver_slicing[solver][1] ode_step = step_dict[step_function] solver_function = solver_dict[solver] for index in tf.range(ts.shape[0]): h = tf.slice(Hs, [start * index, 0, 0], [stop, Hs.shape[1], Hs.shape[2]]) state_t = solver_function(ode_step, state_t, h, dt, col=col) return {"states": state_t, "ts": ts} @solver_deco def rk4(func, rho, h, dt, col=None): k1 = func(rho, h[0], dt, col) k2 = func(rho + k1 / 2.0, h[1], dt, col) k3 = func(rho + k2 / 2.0, h[1], dt, col) k4 = func(rho + k3, h[2], dt, col) rho_new = rho + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6.0 return rho_new @solver_deco def rk38(func, rho, h, dt, col=None): k1 = func(rho, h[0], dt, col) k2 = func(rho + k1 / 3.0, h[1], dt, col) k3 = func(rho + (-k1 / 3.0) + k2, h[2], dt, col) k4 = func(rho + k1 - k2 + k3, h[3], dt, col) rho_new = rho + (k1 + 3 * k2 + 3 * k3 + k4) / 8.0 return rho_new @solver_deco def rk5(func, rho, h, dt, col=None): k1 = func(rho, h[0], dt, col) k2 = func(rho + 1.0 / 5 * k1, h[1], dt, col) k3 = func(rho + 3.0 / 40 * k1 + 9.0 / 40 * k2, h[2], dt, col) k4 = func(rho + 44.0 / 45 * k1 - 56.0 / 15 * k2 + 32.0 / 9 * k3, h[3], dt, col) k5 = func( rho + 19372.0 / 6561 * k1 - 25360.0 / 2187 * k2 + 64448.0 / 6561 * k3 - 212.0 / 729 * k4, h[4], dt, col, ) k6 = func( rho + 9017.0 / 3168 * k1 - 355.0 / 33 * k2 + 46732.0 / 5247 * k3 + 49.0 / 176 * k4 - 5103.0 / 18656 * k5, h[5], dt, col, ) k7 = func( rho + 35.0 / 384 * k1 + 500.0 / 1113 * k3 + 125.0 / 192 * k4 - 2187.0 / 6784 * k5 + 11.0 / 84 * k6, h[5], dt, col, ) rho_new = ( rho + 5179.0 / 57600 * k1 + 7571.0 / 16695 * k3 + 393.0 / 640 * k4 - 92097.0 / 339200 * k5 + 187.0 / 2100 * k6 + 1.0 / 40 * k7 ) return rho_new @solver_deco def tsit5(func, rho, h, dt, col=None): k1 = func(rho, h[0], dt, col) k2 = func(rho + 0.161 * k1, h[1], dt, col) k3 = func(rho + -0.008480655492356989 * k1 + 0.335480655492357 * k2, h[2], dt, col) k4 = func( rho + 2.8971530571054935 * k1 - 6.359448489975075 * k2 + 4.3622954328695815 * k3, h[3], dt, col, ) k5 = func( rho + 5.325864828439257 * k1 - 11.748883564062828 * k2 + 7.4955393428898365 * k3 - 0.09249506636175525 * k4, h[4], dt, col, ) k6 = func( rho + 5.86145544294642 * k1 - 12.92096931784711 * k2 + 8.159367898576159 * k3 + -0.071584973281401 * k4 - 0.028269050394068383 * k5, h[5], dt, col, ) k7 = func( rho + 0.09646076681806523 * k1 + 0.01 * k2 + 0.4798896504144996 * k3 + 1.379008574103742 * k4 - 3.290069515436081 * k5 + 2.324710524099774 * k6, h[5], dt, col, ) rho_new = ( rho + 0.09468075576583945 * k1 + 0.009183565540343254 * k2 + 0.4877705284247616 * k3 + 1.234297566930479 * k4 - 2.7077123499835256 * k5 + 1.866628418170587 * k6 + 1.0 / 66 * k7 ) return rho_new @step_deco def lindblad(rho, h, dt, col): del_rho = -1j * commutator(h, rho) for col in col: del_rho += tf.matmul(tf.matmul(col, rho), tf.transpose(col, conjugate=True)) del_rho -= 0.5 * anticommutator( tf.matmul(tf.transpose(col, conjugate=True), col), rho ) return del_rho * dt @step_deco def schrodinger(psi, h, dt, col=None): return -1j * tf.matmul(h, psi) * dt @step_deco def von_neumann(rho, h, dt, col=None): return -1j * commutator(h, rho) * dt