Source code for c3.parametermap

"""ParameterMap class"""

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
import hjson
import copy
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from c3.c3objs import Quantity, hjson_decode, hjson_encode, QuantityOOBException
from c3.signal.gates import Instruction
from typing import Union
from tensorflow.errors import InvalidArgumentError

[docs]class ParameterMapOOBUpdateException(Exception): pass
[docs]class ParameterMap: """ Collects information about control and model parameters and provides different representations depending on use. """ def __init__( self, instructions: List[Instruction] = [], generator=None, model=None ): self.instructions: Dict[str, Instruction] = dict() self.opt_map: List[List[Tuple[str]]] = list() self.model = model self.generator = generator for instr in instructions: self.instructions[instr.get_key()] = instr # Collecting model components components = {} if model: components.update(model.couplings) components.update(model.subsystems) components.update(model.tasks) if generator: components.update(generator.devices) self.__components = components self.update_model = False self.set_parameters_scaled = self._set_parameters_scaled_ctrls self.__initialize_parameters() def __initialize_parameters(self) -> None: par_lens = {} pars = {} par_ids_model = [] for comp in self.__components.values(): for par_name, par_value in comp.params.items(): par_id = "-".join([, par_name]) par_lens[par_id] = par_value.length pars[par_id] = par_value par_ids_model.append(par_id) # Initializing control parameters for gate in self.instructions: instr = self.instructions[gate] for key_elems, par_value in instr.get_optimizable_parameters(): par_id = "-".join(key_elems) par_lens[par_id] = par_value.length pars[par_id] = par_value self._par_lens = par_lens self._pars: Dict[str, Quantity] = pars self._par_ids_model = par_ids_model
[docs] def update_parameters(self): self.__initialize_parameters()
[docs] def load_values(self, init_point, extend_bounds=False): """ Load a previous parameter point to start the optimization from. Parameters ---------- init_point : str File location of the initial point extend_bounds: bool Whether or not to allow the loaded parameters' bounds to be extended if they exceed those specified. """ with open(init_point) as init_file: best = hjson.load(init_file, object_pairs_hook=hjson_decode) best_opt_map = best["opt_map"] init_p = best["optim_status"]["params"] self.set_parameters(init_p, best_opt_map, extend_bounds=extend_bounds)
[docs] def store_values(self, path: str, optim_status=None) -> None: """ Write current parameter values to file. Stores the numeric values, as well as the names in form of the opt_map and physical units. If an optim_status is given that will be used. Parameters ---------- path : str Location of the resulting logfile. optim_status: dict Dictionary containing current parameters and goal function value. """ if optim_status is None: optim_status = { "params": [par.numpy().tolist() for par in self.get_parameters()] } with open(path, "w") as value_file: val_dict = { "opt_map": self.get_opt_map(), "units": self.get_opt_units(), "optim_status": optim_status, } value_file.write(hjson.dumps(val_dict, default=hjson_encode)) value_file.write("\n")
[docs] def read_config(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Load a file and parse it to create a ParameterMap object. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Location of the configuration file """ with open(filepath, "r") as cfg_file: cfg = hjson.loads(, object_pairs_hook=hjson_decode) self.fromdict(cfg)
[docs] def fromdict(self, cfg: dict) -> None: for key, gate in cfg.items(): if "mapto" in gate.keys(): instr = copy.deepcopy(self.instructions[gate["mapto"]]) = key for drive_chan, comps in gate["drive_channels"].items(): for comp, props in comps.items(): for par, val in props["params"].items(): instr.comps[drive_chan][comp].params[par].set_value(val) else: # TODO: initialize directly by using the constructor. instr = Instruction() instr.from_dict(gate, name=key) self.instructions[key] = instr self.__initialize_parameters()
[docs] def write_config(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Write dictionary to a HJSON file. """ with open(filepath, "w") as cfg_file: hjson.dump(self.asdict(), cfg_file, default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def asdict(self, instructions_only=True) -> dict: """ Return a dictionary compatible with config files. """ instructions = {} for name, instr in self.instructions.items(): instructions[name] = instr.asdict() if instructions_only: return instructions else: out_dict = dict() out_dict["instructions"] = instructions out_dict["model"] = self.model.asdict() return out_dict
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return hjson.dumps(self.asdict(), default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def get_full_params(self) -> Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Returns the full parameter vector, including model and control parameters. """ return self._pars
[docs] def get_not_opt_params(self, opt_map=None) -> Dict[str, Quantity]: opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) out_dict = copy.copy(self._pars) for equiv_ids in opt_map: for key in equiv_ids: del out_dict[key] return out_dict
[docs] def get_opt_units(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of the units of the optimized quantities. """ units = [] for equiv_ids in self.get_opt_map(): key = equiv_ids[0] units.append(self._pars[key].unit) return units
[docs] def get_opt_limits(self): limits = [] for equiv_ids in self.get_opt_map(): key = equiv_ids[0] limits.append((self._pars[key].get_limits())) return limits
[docs] def check_limits(self, opt_map): """ Check if all elements of equal ids have the same limits. This has to be checked against if setting values optimizer friendly. Parameters ---------- opt_map Returns ------- """ for equiv_ids in self.get_opt_map(): if len(equiv_ids) > 1: limit = self._pars[equiv_ids[0]].get_limits() for key in equiv_ids[1:]: if not self._pars[key].get_limits() == limit: raise Exception( "C3:Error:Limits for {key} are not equivalent to {equiv_ids}." )
[docs] def get_parameter(self, par_id: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Quantity: """ Return one the current parameters. Parameters ---------- par_id: tuple Hierarchical identifier for parameter. Returns ------- Quantity """ key = "-".join(par_id) try: value = self._pars[key] except KeyError as ke: raise Exception(f"C3:ERROR:Parameter {key} not defined.") from ke return value
[docs] def get_parameters(self, opt_map=None) -> List[Quantity]: """ Return the current parameters. Parameters ---------- opt_map: list Hierarchical identifier for parameters. Returns ------- list of Quantity """ values = [] opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) for equiv_ids in opt_map: key = equiv_ids[0] values.append(self._pars[key]) return values
[docs] def get_parameter_dict(self, opt_map=None) -> Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Return the current parameters in a dictionary including keys. Parameters ---------- opt_map Returns ------- Dictionary with Quantities """ value_dict = dict() opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) for equiv_ids in opt_map: key = equiv_ids[0] value_dict[key] = self._pars[key] return value_dict
[docs] def set_parameters( self, values: Union[List, np.ndarray], opt_map=None, extend_bounds=False ) -> None: """Set the values in the original instruction class. Parameters ---------- values: list List of parameter values. Can be nested, if a parameter is matrix valued. opt_map: list Corresponding identifiers for the parameter values. extend_bounds: bool If true bounds of quantity objects will be extended. """ model_updated = False val_indx = 0 opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) if not len(values) == len(opt_map): raise Exception( f"C3:Error: Different number of elements in values and opt_map. {len(values)} vs {len(opt_map)}" ) for equiv_ids in opt_map: for key in equiv_ids: # We check if a model parameter has changed model_updated = key in self._par_ids_model or model_updated try: par = self._pars[key] except ValueError as ve: raise Exception(f"C3:ERROR:{key} not defined.") from ve try: par.set_value(values[val_indx], extend_bounds=extend_bounds) except (QuantityOOBException, InvalidArgumentError) as ve: try: raise ParameterMapOOBUpdateException( f"C3:ERROR:Trying to set {key} " f"to value {values[val_indx]} " f"but has to be within {par.offset} .." f" {(par.offset + par.scale)}." ) from ve except TypeError: raise ve val_indx += 1 # TODO: This check is too simple. Not every model parameter requires an update. if model_updated and self.model: self.model.update_model()
[docs] def get_parameters_scaled(self, opt_map=None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Return the current parameters. This fuction should only be called by an optimizer. Are you an optimizer? Parameters ---------- opt_map: tuple Hierarchical identifier for parameters. Returns ------- list of Quantity """ values = [] opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) for equiv_ids in opt_map: key = equiv_ids[0] par = self._pars[key] values.append(par.get_opt_value()) return tf.concat(values, axis=0)
def _set_parameters_scaled_ctrls( self, values: Union[tf.constant, tf.Variable], opt_map=None ) -> None: """ Set the values in the original instruction class. This fuction should only be called by an optimizer. Are you an optimizer? This method only sets control parameters and does not trigger a model update. Parameters ---------- values: list List of parameter values. Matrix valued parameters need to be flattened. """ val_indx = 0 opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) for equiv_ids in opt_map: key = equiv_ids[0] par_len = self._pars[key].length for par_id in equiv_ids: key = par_id par = self._pars[key] par.set_opt_value(values[val_indx : val_indx + par_len]) val_indx += par_len def _set_parameters_scaled_model( self, values: Union[tf.constant, tf.Variable], opt_map=None ) -> None: """ Set the values in the original instruction class. This fuction should only be called by an optimizer. Are you an optimizer? Also update the model. Parameters ---------- values: list List of parameter values. Matrix valued parameters need to be flattened. """ self._set_parameters_scaled_ctrls(values) self.model.update_model()
[docs] def get_key_from_scaled_index(self, idx, opt_map=None) -> str: """ Get the key of the value at position `ìdx` of the scaled_parameters output Parameters ---------- idx opt_map Returns ------- """ opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) curr_indx = 0 for equiv_ids in opt_map: key = equiv_ids[0] par_len = self._pars[key].length curr_indx += par_len if idx < curr_indx: return key return ""
[docs] def set_opt_map(self, opt_map) -> None: """ Set the opt_map, i.e. which parameters will be optimized. """ opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) update_model = False for equiv_ids in opt_map: for pid in equiv_ids: key = pid if key not in self._pars: par_strings = "\n".join(self._pars.keys()) raise Exception( f"C3:ERROR:Parameter {key} not defined in {par_strings}" ) update_model = key in self._par_ids_model or update_model self.set_update_model(update_model) self.check_limits(opt_map) self.opt_map = opt_map
[docs] def set_update_model(self, update: bool) -> None: self.update_model = update if update: self.set_parameters_scaled = self._set_parameters_scaled_model else: self.set_parameters_scaled = self._set_parameters_scaled_ctrls
[docs] def get_opt_map(self, opt_map=None) -> List[List[str]]: if opt_map is None: opt_map = self.opt_map for i, equiv_ids in enumerate(opt_map): for j, par_id in enumerate(equiv_ids): if type(par_id) is str: continue key = "-".join(par_id) opt_map[i][j] = key return opt_map
[docs] def str_parameters( self, opt_map: Union[List[List[Tuple[str]]], List[List[str]]] = None, human=False, ) -> str: """ Return a multi-line human-readable string of the optmization parameter names and current values. Parameters ---------- opt_map: list Optionally use only the specified parameters. Returns ------- str Parameters and their values """ opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) ret = [] for equiv_ids in opt_map: par_id = equiv_ids[0] key = par_id par = self._pars[key] if human and par.length > 4: # Don't print large num of values ret.append(f"{key:38}: <{par.length} values>\n") else: ret.append(f"{key:38}: {par}\n") if len(equiv_ids) > 1: for eid in equiv_ids[1:]: ret.append(eid) ret.append("\n") ret.append("\n") return "".join(ret)
[docs] def print_parameters(self, opt_map=None) -> None: """ Print current parameters to stdout. """ opt_map = self.get_opt_map(opt_map) print(self.str_parameters(opt_map, human=True))