Source code for c3.signal.pulse

from c3.c3objs import C3obj, hjson_encode
from c3.c3objs import Quantity as Qty
from c3.libraries.envelopes import envelopes
from c3.utils.tf_utils import tf_complexify
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import types
import hjson
from typing import Callable, Union, Dict

components = dict()

[docs]def comp_reg_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ components[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]@comp_reg_deco class Envelope(C3obj): """ Represents the envelopes shaping a pulse. Parameters ---------- shape: Callable function evaluating the shape in time """ def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = " ", comment: str = " ", params: Dict[str, Qty] = {}, shape: Union[Callable, str] = None, use_t_before=False, ): if isinstance(shape, str): self.shape = envelopes[shape] else: self.shape = shape default_params = { "amp": Qty(value=1.0, min_val=-1.0, max_val=+1.5, unit="V"), "delta": Qty(value=0.0, min_val=-5.0, max_val=+5.0, unit="V"), "freq_offset": Qty(value=0.0, min_val=-1.0, max_val=+1.0, unit="Hz 2pi"), "xy_angle": Qty(value=0.0, min_val=-1.0, max_val=+1.0, unit="rad"), "sigma": Qty(value=5e-9, min_val=-2.0, max_val=+2.0, unit="s"), "t_final": Qty(value=1.0, min_val=-1.0, max_val=+1.0, unit="s"), } default_params.update(params) self.set_use_t_before(use_t_before) super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, params=default_params, )
[docs] def write_config(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Write dictionary to a HJSON file. """ with open(filepath, "w") as cfg_file: hjson.dump(self.asdict(), cfg_file, default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: params = {} for key, item in self.params.items(): params[key] = item.asdict() return { "name":, "c3type": self.__class__.__name__, "shape": self.shape.__name__, "params": params, }
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return hjson.dumps(self.asdict(), default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = + ":: " for key, item in self.params.items(): repr_str += str(key) + " : " + str(item) + ", " repr_str += "shape: " + self.shape.__name__ + ", " return repr_str
[docs] def set_use_t_before(self, use_t_before): if use_t_before: self.get_shape_values = self._get_shape_values_before else: self.get_shape_values = self._get_shape_values_just
[docs] def compute_mask(self, ts, t_end) -> tf.Tensor: """Compute a mask to cut out a signal after t_final. Parameters ---------- ts : tf.Tensor Vector of time steps. Returns ------- tf.Tensor [description] """ t_final = tf.minimum(self.params["t_final"].get_value(), t_end) dt = ts[1] - ts[0] return tf_complexify( tf.sigmoid((ts / dt + 0.001) * 1e6) * tf.sigmoid((0.999 * t_final - ts) / dt * 1e6) )
def _get_shape_values_before(self, ts, t_final=1): """Return the value of the shape function at the specified times. With the offset, we make sure the signal starts with amplitude zero by subtracting the shape value at time -dt. Parameters ---------- ts : tf.Tensor Vector of time samples. """ t_before = 2 * ts[0] - ts[1] # t[0] - (t[1] - t[0]) offset = self.shape(t_before, self.params) mask = self.compute_mask(ts, t_final) return mask * (self.shape(ts, self.params) - offset) def _get_shape_values_just(self, ts, t_final=1): """Return the value of the shape function at the specified times. Parameters ---------- ts : tf.Tensor Vector of time samples. """ mask = self.compute_mask(ts, t_final) return mask * self.shape(ts, self.params)
[docs]@comp_reg_deco class EnvelopeDrag(Envelope): def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = " ", comment: str = " ", params: dict = {}, shape: types.FunctionType = None, use_t_before=False, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, params=params, shape=shape, use_t_before=use_t_before, ) self.set_use_t_before(use_t_before)
[docs] def set_use_t_before(self, use_t_before): if use_t_before: self.base_env = super()._get_shape_values_before else: self.base_env = super()._get_shape_values_just
[docs] def get_shape_values(self, ts, t_final=1): dt = ts[1] - ts[0] with tf.GradientTape() as t: env = tf.math.real(self.base_env(ts, t_final)) denv = ( t.gradient(env, ts, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO) * dt ) # Derivative W.R.T. to bins delta = self.params["delta"].get_value() return tf.complex(env, -denv * delta)
[docs]@comp_reg_deco class EnvelopeNetZero(Envelope): """ Represents the envelopes shaping a pulse. Parameters ---------- shape: function function evaluating the shape in time params: dict Parameters of the envelope Note: t_final """ def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = " ", comment: str = " ", params: dict = {}, shape: types.FunctionType = None, use_t_before=False, ): super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, params=params, shape=shape, use_t_before=use_t_before, ) self.set_use_t_before(use_t_before)
[docs] def set_use_t_before(self, use_t_before): if use_t_before: self.base_env = super()._get_shape_values_before else: self.base_env = super()._get_shape_values_just
[docs] def get_shape_values(self, ts): """Return the value of the shape function at the specified times. Parameters ---------- ts : tf.Tensor Vector of time samples. t_before : tf.float64 Offset the beginning of the shape by this time. """ N_red = len(ts) // 2 ts_red = tf.split(ts, [N_red, len(ts) - N_red], 0)[0] shape_values = self.base_env(ts=ts_red) netzero_shape_values = tf.concat( [shape_values, -shape_values, [0] * (len(ts) % 2)], axis=0 ) return netzero_shape_values
[docs]@comp_reg_deco class Carrier(C3obj): """Represents the carrier of a pulse.""" def __init__( self, name: str, desc: str = " ", comment: str = " ", params: dict = {}, ): params_default = { "freq": Qty(value=0.0, min_val=-1.0, max_val=+1.0, unit="V"), "framechange": Qty(value=0.0, min_val=-np.pi, max_val=np.pi, unit="rad"), } params_default.update(params) super().__init__( name=name, desc=desc, comment=comment, params=params_default, )
[docs] def write_config(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Write dictionary to a HJSON file. """ with open(filepath, "w") as cfg_file: hjson.dump(self.asdict(), cfg_file, default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = + ":: " for key, item in self.params.items(): repr_str += str(key) + " : " + str(item) + ", " return repr_str