
Module for Sensitivity Analysis. This allows the sweeping of the goal function in a given range of parameters to ascertain whether the dataset being used is sensitive to changes in the parameters of interest

Module Contents

class c3.optimizers.sensitivity.Sensitivity(sampling: str, batch_sizes: Dict[str, int], pmap: c3.parametermap.ParameterMap, datafiles: Dict[str, str], state_labels: Dict[str, List[Any]], sweep_map: List[List[Tuple[str]]], sweep_bounds: List[List[int]], algorithm: str, estimator: str = None, estimator_list: List[str] = None, dir_path: str = None, run_name: str = None, options={})[source]

Bases: c3.optimizers.modellearning.ModelLearning

Inheritance diagram of c3.optimizers.sensitivity.Sensitivity

Class for Sensitivity Analysis, subclassed from Model Learning

  • sampling (str) – Name of the sampling method from library

  • batch_sizes (Dict[str, int]) – Number of points to select from the dataset

  • pmap (ParameterMap) – Model parameter map

  • datafiles (Dict[str, str]) – The datafiles for each of the learning datasets

  • state_labels (Dict[str, List[Any]]) – The labels for the excited states of the system

  • sweep_map (List[List[List[str]]]) – Map of variables to be swept in exp_opt_map format

  • sweep_bounds (List[List[int]]) – List of upper and lower bounds for each sweeping variable

  • algorithm (str) – Name of the sweeping algorithm from the library

  • estimator (str, optional) – Name of estimator method from library, by default None

  • estimator_list (List[str], optional) – List of different estimators to be used, by default None

  • dir_path (str, optional) – Path to save sensitivity logs, by default None

  • run_name (str, optional) – Name of the experiment run, by default None

  • options (dict, optional) – Options for the sweeping algorithm, by default {}


NotImplementedError – When trying to set the estimator or estimator_list


Run the sensitivity analysis.

log_setup() None

Create the folders to store data.

  • dir_path (str) – Filepath

  • run_name (str) – User specified name for the run

read_data(datafiles: Dict[str, str]) None

Open data files and read in experiment results.


datafiles (dict) – List of paths for files that contain learning data.

select_from_data(batch_size) List[int]

Select a subset of each dataset to compute the goal function on.


batch_size (int) – Number of points to select


Indeces of the selected data points.

Return type


learn_model() None

Performs the model learning by minimizing the figure of merit.

confirm() None

Compute the validation set, i.e. the value of the goal function on all points of the dataset that were not used for learning.

goal_run(current_params: tensorflow.constant) tensorflow.float64

Evaluate the figure of merit for the current model parameters.


current_params (tf.Tensor) – Current model parameters


Figure of merit

Return type



Same as goal_run but with gradient. Very resource intensive. Unoptimized at the moment.


Specify a new filepath to store the log.



set_created_by(config) None

Store the config file location used to created this optimizer.

load_best(init_point, extend_bounds=False) None

Load a previous parameter point to start the optimization from. Legacy wrapper. Method moved to Parametermap.

  • init_point (str) – File location of the initial point

  • extend_bounds (bool) – Whether or not to allow the loaded optimal parameters’ bounds to be extended if they exceed those specified.

start_log() None

Initialize the log with current time.

end_log() None

Finish the log by recording current time and total runtime.

log_best_unitary() None

Save the best unitary in the log.

log_parameters(params) None

Log the current status. Write parameters to log. Update the current best parameters. Call plotting functions as set up.


Return the stored gradient for a given parameter set.


x (np.array) – Parameter set.


Value of the gradient.

Return type


fct_to_min(input_parameters: Union[numpy.ndarray, tensorflow.constant]) Union[numpy.ndarray, tensorflow.constant]

Wrapper for the goal function.


input_parameters ([np.array, tf.constant]) – Vector of parameters in the optimizer friendly way.


Value of the goal function. Float if input is np.array else tf.constant

Return type

[np.ndarray, tf.constant]


Wrapper for the goal function, including evaluation and storage of the gradient.


Vector of parameters in the optimizer friendly way.


Value of the goal function.