Signal package


Gates module

class c3.signal.gates.Instruction(name: str = ' ', targets: Optional[list] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, ideal: Optional[numpy.array] = None, channels: List[str] = [], t_start: Optional[float] = None, t_end: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Collection of components making up the control signal for a line.

  • t_start (np.float64) – Start of the signal.

  • t_end (np.float64) – End of the signal.

  • channels (list) – List of channel names (strings)


Nested dictionary with lines and components as keys



comps = {

‘envelope1’: envelope1, ‘envelope2’: envelope2, ‘carrier’: carrier }


add_component(comp: c3.c3objs.C3obj, chan: str, options=None, name=None) None[source]

Add one component, e.g. an envelope, local oscillator, to a channel.

  • comp (C3obj) – Component to be added.

  • chan (str) – Identifier for the target channel

  • options (dict) –

    Options for this component, available keys are
    delay: Quantity

    Delay execution of this component by a certain time

    trigger_comp: Tuple[str]

    Tuple of (chan, name) of component acting as trigger. Delay time will be counted beginning with end of trigger

    t_final_cut: Quantity

    Length of component, signal will be cut after this time. Also used for the trigger. If not given this invokation from components t_final will be attempted.

    drag: bool

    Use drag correction for this component.

  • t_end (float) – End of this component. None will use the full instruction. If t_end is None and t_start is given a length will be inherited from the instruction.

as_openqasm() dict[source]
asdict() dict[source]
from_dict(cfg, name=None)[source]
get_awg_signal(chan, ts, options=None)[source]
get_ideal_gate(dims, index=None)[source]
get_key() str[source]
get_timings(chan, name, minimal_time=False)[source]
quick_setup(chan, qubit_freq, gate_time, v2hz=1, sideband=None) None[source]

Initialize this instruction with a default envelope and carrier.

Pulse module

class c3.signal.pulse.Carrier(name: str, desc: str = ' ', comment: str = ' ', params: dict = {})[source]

Bases: c3.c3objs.C3obj

Represents the carrier of a pulse.

write_config(filepath: str) None[source]

Write dictionary to a HJSON file.

class c3.signal.pulse.Envelope(name: str, desc: str = ' ', comment: str = ' ', params: dict = {}, shape: Optional[Union[Callable, str]] = None, drag=False)[source]

Bases: c3.c3objs.C3obj

Represents the envelopes shaping a pulse.


shape (Callable) – function evaluating the shape in time

asdict() dict[source]
get_shape_values(ts, t_before=None)[source]

Return the value of the shape function at the specified times.

  • ts (tf.Tensor) – Vector of time samples.

  • t_before (tf.float64) – Offset the beginning of the shape by this time.

write_config(filepath: str) None[source]

Write dictionary to a HJSON file.

class c3.signal.pulse.EnvelopeNetZero(name: str, desc: str = ' ', comment: str = ' ', params: dict = {}, shape: Optional[function] = None, drag: bool = False)[source]

Bases: c3.signal.pulse.Envelope

Represents the envelopes shaping a pulse.

  • shape (function) – function evaluating the shape in time

  • params (dict) – Parameters of the envelope Note: t_final

get_shape_values(ts, t_before=None)[source]

Return the value of the shape function at the specified times.

  • ts (tf.Tensor) – Vector of time samples.

  • t_before (tf.float64) – Offset the beginning of the shape by this time.


Decorator for making registry of functions

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