Logs and current optimization status

During optimizations (optimal control, calibration, model learning), a current best point is stored in the log folder to monitor progress. Called on a log file it will print a rich table of the current status. With the -w or -- watch options the table will keep updating.

c3/utils/log_reader.py -h
usage: log_reader.py [-h] [-w WATCH] log_file

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WATCH, --watch WATCH
                        Update the table every WATCH seconds.

Using the example log from the test folder:

c3/utils/log_reader.py test/sample_optim_log.c3log
Optimization reached 0.00462 at Tue Aug 17 15:28:09 2021

┃ Parameter                     ┃ Value           ┃ Gradient         ┃
│ rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-amp         │      497.311 mV │        18.720 mV │
│ rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-freq_offset │ -52.998 MHz 2pi │ -414.237 µHz 2pi │
│ rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-xy_angle    │    -47.409 mrad │       2.904 mrad │
│ rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-delta       │          -1.077 │          6.648 m │