Open-loop optimal controlΒΆ

In order to improve the gate from the previous example Setup of a two-qubit chip with C^3, we create the optimizer object for open-loop optimal control. Examining the previous dynamics .. image:: dyn_singleX.png

in addition to over-rotation, we notice some leakage into the \(|2,0>\) state and enable a DRAG option. Details on DRAG can be found here. The main principle is adding a phase-shifted component proportional to the derivative of the original signal. With automatic differentiation, our AWG can perform this operation automatically for arbitrary shapes.


At the moment there are two implementations of DRAG, variant 2 is independent of the AWG resolution.

To define which parameters we optimize, we write the gateset_opt_map, a nested list of tuples that identifies each parameter.

opt_gates = ["rx90p[0]"]
      ("rx90p[0]", "d1", "gauss", "amp"),
      ("rx90p[0]", "d1", "gauss", "freq_offset"),
      ("rx90p[0]", "d1", "gauss", "xy_angle"),
      ("RX90p:Id", "d1", "gauss", "delta"),

We can look at the parameter values this opt_map specified with

rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-amp                 : 500.000 mV
rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-freq_offset         : -53.000 MHz 2pi
rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-xy_angle            : -444.089 arad
rx90p[0]-d1-gauss-delta               : -1.000
from c3.optimizers.optimalcontrol import OptimalControl
import c3.libraries.algorithms as algorithms

The OptimalControl object will handle the optimization for us. As a fidelity function we choose average fidelity as well as LBFG-S (a wrapper of the scipy implementation) from our library. See those libraries for how these functions are defined and how to supply your own, if necessary.

import os
import tempfile

# Create a temporary directory to store logfiles, modify as needed
log_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name, "c3logs")

opt = OptimalControl(
    fid_subspace=["Q1", "Q2"],
    options={"maxfun" : 10},

Finally we supply our defined experiment.


Everything is in place to start the optimization.


After a few steps we have improved the gate significantly, as we can check with


And by looking at the same sequences as before.

plot_dynamics(exp, init_state, barely_a_seq)
plot_dynamics(exp, init_state, barely_a_seq * 5)

Compared to before the optimization.
