Source code for c3.libraries.algorithms

Collection of (optimization) algorithms. All entries share a common signature with
optional arguments.

import ast
from scipy.optimize import minimize as minimize
import cma.evolution_strategy as cma
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable
import adaptive
import copy
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
import tensorflow as tf

algorithms = dict()

[docs]def algo_reg_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ algorithms[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def single_eval(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Return the function value at given point. Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Algorithm specific options """ fun(x_init)
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def grid2D(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Two dimensional scan of the function values around the initial point. Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Options include points : int The number of samples bounds : list Range of the scan for both dimensions """ # TODO generalize grid to take any number of dimensions if "points" in options: points = options["points"] else: points = 100 bounds = options["bounds"][0] bound_min = bounds[0] bound_max = bounds[1] xs = np.linspace(bound_min, bound_max, points) bounds = options["bounds"][1] bound_min = bounds[0] bound_max = bounds[1] ys = np.linspace(bound_min, bound_max, points) for x in xs: for y in ys: if "wrapper" in options: val = copy.deepcopy(options["wrapper"]) val[val.index("x")] = x val[val.index("y")] = y fun([val]) else: fun([x, y])
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def sweep(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ One dimensional scan of the function values around the initial point. Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Options include points : int The number of samples bounds : list Range of the scan """ if "points" in options: points = options["points"] else: points = 100 if "init_point" in options: init_point = bool(options["init_point"]) if init_point: fun([x_init[0]]) bounds = options["bounds"][0] bound_min = bounds[0] bound_max = bounds[1] probe_list = [] if "probe_list" in options: for x in options["probe_list"]: probe_list.append(x) probe_list_min = min(probe_list) probe_list_max = max(probe_list) bound_min = min(bound_min, probe_list_min) bound_max = max(bound_max, probe_list_max) for p in probe_list: if "wrapper" in options: val = copy.deepcopy(options["wrapper"]) val[val.index("x")] = p fun([val]) else: fun([p]) xs = np.linspace(bound_min, bound_max, points) for x in xs: if "wrapper" in options: val = copy.deepcopy(options["wrapper"]) val[val.index("x")] = x fun([val]) else: fun([x])
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def adaptive_scan(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ One dimensional scan of the function values around the initial point, using adaptive sampling Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Options include accuracy_goal: float Targeted accuracy for the sampling algorithm probe_list : list Points to definitely include in the sampling init_point : boolean Include the initial point in the sampling """ warnings.warn( "The Adaptive Scan algorithm is not thoroughly tested and might contain bugs" ) if "accuracy_goal" in options: accuracy_goal = options["accuracy_goal"] else: accuracy_goal = 0.5 print("accuracy_goal: " + str(accuracy_goal)) probe_list = [] if "probe_list" in options: for x in options["probe_list"]: probe_list.append(ast.literal_eval(x)) if "init_point" in options: init_point = bool(options.pop("init_point")) if init_point: probe_list.append(x_init) # TODO make adaptive scan be able to do multidimensional scan bounds = options["bounds"][0] bound_min = bounds[0] bound_max = bounds[1] probe_list_min = min(probe_list) probe_list_max = max(probe_list) bound_min = min(bound_min, probe_list_min) bound_max = max(bound_max, probe_list_max) print(" ") print("bound_min: " + str((bound_min) / (2e9 * np.pi))) print("bound_max: " + str((bound_max) / (2e9 * np.pi))) print(" ") def fun1d(x): return fun([x]) learner = adaptive.Learner1D(fun1d, bounds=(bound_min, bound_max)) if probe_list: for x in probe_list: print("from probe_list: " + str(x)) tmp = learner.function(x) print("done\n") learner.tell(x, tmp) adaptive.runner.simple( learner, goal=lambda learner_: learner_.loss() < accuracy_goal )
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def tf_sgd( x_init: np.ndarray, fun: Callable = None, fun_grad: Callable = None, grad_lookup: Callable = None, options: dict = {}, ) -> OptimizeResult: """Optimize using TensorFlow Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum Parameters ---------- x_init : np.ndarray starting value of parameter(s) fun : Callable, optional function to minimize, by default None fun_grad : Callable, optional gradient of function to minimize, by default None grad_lookup : Callable, optional lookup stored gradients, by default None options : dict, optional optional parameters for optimizer, by default {} Returns ------- OptimizeResult SciPy OptimizeResult type object with final parameters """ if "maxfun" in options.keys(): raise KeyError("Tensorflow Optimizers require a maxiters") iters = options["maxiters"] # TF based optimizers use algo iters not fevals var = tf.Variable(x_init) def tf_fun(): return fun(var) learning_rate = 0.1 momentum = 0.9 if "learning_rate" in options.keys(): learning_rate = options["learning_rate"] if "momentum" in options.keys(): momentum = options["momentum"] opt_sgd = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) for _ in range(iters): step_count = opt_sgd.minimize(tf_fun, [var]) print(f"epoch {step_count.numpy()}: func_value: {tf_fun()}") result = OptimizeResult(x=var.numpy(), success=True) return result
[docs]def tf_adam( x_init: np.ndarray, fun: Callable = None, fun_grad: Callable = None, grad_lookup: Callable = None, options: dict = {}, ) -> OptimizeResult: """Optimize using TensorFlow ADAM Parameters ---------- x_init : np.ndarray starting value of parameter(s) fun : Callable, optional function to minimize, by default None fun_grad : Callable, optional gradient of function to minimize, by default None grad_lookup : Callable, optional lookup stored gradients, by default None options : dict, optional optional parameters for optimizer, by default {} Returns ------- OptimizeResult SciPy OptimizeResult type object with final parameters """ # TODO Update maxfun->maxiters, default hyperparameters and error handling raise NotImplementedError("This algorithm is not yet implemented.")
[docs]def tf_rmsprop( x_init: np.ndarray, fun: Callable = None, fun_grad: Callable = None, grad_lookup: Callable = None, options: dict = {}, ) -> OptimizeResult: """Optimize using TensorFlow RMSProp Parameters ---------- x_init : np.ndarray starting value of parameter(s) fun : Callable, optional function to minimize, by default None fun_grad : Callable, optional gradient of function to minimize, by default None grad_lookup : Callable, optional lookup stored gradients, by default None options : dict, optional optional parameters for optimizer, by default {} Returns ------- OptimizeResult SciPy OptimizeResult type object with final parameters """ # TODO Update maxfun->maxiters, default hyperparameters and error handling raise NotImplementedError("This algorithm is not yet implemented.")
[docs]def tf_adadelta( x_init: np.ndarray, fun: Callable = None, fun_grad: Callable = None, grad_lookup: Callable = None, options: dict = {}, ) -> OptimizeResult: """Optimize using TensorFlow Adadelta Parameters ---------- x_init : np.ndarray starting value of parameter(s) fun : Callable, optional function to minimize, by default None fun_grad : Callable, optional gradient of function to minimize, by default None grad_lookup : Callable, optional lookup stored gradients, by default None options : dict, optional optional parameters for optimizer, by default {} Returns ------- OptimizeResult SciPy OptimizeResult type object with final parameters """ # TODO Update maxfun->maxiters, default hyperparameters and error handling raise NotImplementedError("This algorithm is not yet implemented.")
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def lbfgs(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Wrapper for the scipy.optimize.minimize implementation of LBFG-S. See also: Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Options of scipy.optimize.minimize Returns ------- Result Scipy result object. """ # TODO print from the log not from here # options.update({"disp": True}) return minimize( fun_grad, x_init, jac=grad_lookup, method="L-BFGS-B", options=options )
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def lbfgs_grad_free(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Wrapper for the scipy.optimize.minimize implementation of LBFG-S. We let the algorithm determine the gradient by its own. See also: Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point fun : callable Goal function fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient options : dict Options of scipy.optimize.minimize Returns ------- Result Scipy result object. """ return minimize(fun=fun, x0=x_init, options=options)
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def cmaes(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Wrapper for the pycma implementation of CMA-Es. See also: Parameters ---------- x_init : float Initial point. fun : callable Goal function. fun_grad : callable Function that computes the gradient of the goal function. grad_lookup : callable Lookup a previously computed gradient. options : dict Options of pycma and the following custom options. noise : float Artificial noise added to a function evaluation. init_point : boolean Force the use of the initial point in the first generation. spread : float Adjust the parameter spread of the first generation cloud. stop_at_convergence : int Custom stopping condition. Stop if the cloud shrunk for this number of generations. stop_at_sigma : float Custom stopping condition. Stop if the cloud shrunk to this standard deviation. Returns ------- np.ndarray Parameters of the best point. """ if "noise" in options: noise = float(options.pop("noise")) else: noise = 0 if "batch_noise" in options: batch_noise = float(options.pop("batch_noise")) else: batch_noise = 0 if "init_point" in options: init_point = bool(options.pop("init_point")) else: init_point = False if "spread" in options: spread = float(options.pop("spread")) else: spread = 0.1 shrunk_check = False if "stop_at_convergence" in options: sigma_conv = int(options.pop("stop_at_convergence")) sigmas = [] shrunk_check = True sigma_check = False if "stop_at_sigma" in options: stop_sigma = int(options.pop("stop_at_sigma")) sigma_check = True settings = options es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x_init, spread, settings) iter = 0 while not es.stop(): if shrunk_check: sigmas.append(es.sigma) if iter > sigma_conv: if all( sigmas[-(i + 1)] < sigmas[-(i + 2)] for i in range(sigma_conv - 1) ): print( f"C3:STATUS:Shrunk cloud for {sigma_conv} steps. " "Switching to gradients." ) break if sigma_check: if es.sigma < stop_sigma: print("C3:STATUS:Goal sigma reached. Stopping CMA.") break samples = es.ask() if init_point and iter == 0: # convert x_init to numpy array before appending x_init_numpy = tf.concat(x_init, axis=0).numpy() samples.insert(0, x_init_numpy) print("C3:STATUS:Adding initial point to CMA sample.") solutions = [] if batch_noise: error = np.random.randn() * noise for sample in samples: goal = fun(sample) if noise: error = np.random.randn() * noise if batch_noise or noise: goal = goal + error solutions.append(goal) es.tell(samples, solutions) es.disp() iter += 1 es.result_pretty() return es.result.xbest
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def cma_pre_lbfgs(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ Performs a CMA-Es optimization and feeds the result into LBFG-S for further refinement. """ if "cmaes" not in options: options["cmaes"] = {} if "lbfgs" not in options: options["lbfgs"] = {} for k in options: if k == "cmaes" or k == "lbfgs": continue else: if k not in options["cmaes"]: options["cmaes"][k] = options[k] if k not in options["lbfgs"]: options["lbfgs"][k] = options[k] x1 = cmaes(x_init, fun, options=options["cmaes"]) lbfgs(x1, fun_grad=fun_grad, grad_lookup=grad_lookup, options=options["lbfgs"])
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def gcmaes(x_init, fun=None, fun_grad=None, grad_lookup=None, options={}): """ EXPERIMENTAL CMA-Es where every point in the cloud is optimized with LBFG-S and the resulting cloud and results are used for the CMA update. """ warnings.warn( "The GCMA-ES algorithm is not thoroughly tested and might contain bugs" ) options_cma = options["cmaes"] if "init_point" in options_cma: init_point = bool(options_cma.pop("init_point")) else: init_point = False if "spread" in options_cma: spread = float(options_cma.pop("spread")) else: spread = 0.1 shrinked_check = False if "stop_at_convergence" in options_cma: sigma_conv = int(options_cma.pop("stop_at_convergence")) sigmas = [] shrinked_check = True sigma_check = False if "stop_at_sigma" in options_cma: stop_sigma = int(options_cma.pop("stop_at_sigma")) sigma_check = True settings = options_cma es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x_init, spread, settings) iter = 0 while not es.stop(): if shrinked_check: sigmas.append(es.sigma) if iter > sigma_conv: if all( sigmas[-(i + 1)] < sigmas[-(i + 2)] for i in range(sigma_conv - 1) ): print( f"C3:STATUS:Shrinked cloud for {sigma_conv} steps. " "Switching to gradients." ) break if sigma_check: if es.sigma < stop_sigma: print("C3:STATUS:Goal sigma reached. Stopping CMA.") break samples = es.ask() if init_point and iter == 0: samples.insert(0, x_init) print("C3:STATUS:Adding initial point to CMA sample.") solutions = [] points = [] for sample in samples: r = lbfgs( sample, fun_grad=fun_grad, grad_lookup=grad_lookup, options=options["lbfgs"], ) solutions.append( points.append(r.x) es.tell(points, solutions) es.disp() iter += 1 return es.result.xbest
[docs]@algo_reg_deco def oneplusone(x_init, goal_fun): raise NotImplementedError("This algorithm is not yet implemented.")