Source code for c3.libraries.hamiltonians

"""Library of Hamiltonian functions."""

import numpy as np

hamiltonians = dict()

[docs]def hamiltonian_reg_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ hamiltonians[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def resonator(a): """ Harmonic oscillator hamiltonian given the annihilation operator. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() return np.matmul(a_dag, a)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def duffing(a): """ Anharmonic part of the duffing oscillator. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() n = np.matmul(a_dag, a) return 1 / 2 * np.matmul(n - np.eye(int(n.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex128), n)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def third_order(a): """ Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. return literally the Hamiltonian a_dag a a + a_dag a_dag a for the use in any Hamiltonian that uses more than just a resonator or Duffing part. A more general type of quantum element on a physical chip can have this type of interaction. One example is a three wave mixing element used in signal amplification called a Superconducting non-linear asymmetric inductive eLement (SNAIL in short). The code is a simple modification of the Duffing function and written in the same style. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() n = np.matmul(a_dag, a) return np.matmul(n, a) + np.matmul(a_dag, n)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def int_XX(anhs): """ Dipole type coupling. Parameters ---------- anhs : Tensor list Annihilators. Returns ------- Tensor coupling """ a = anhs[0] b = anhs[1] a_dag = a.T.conj() b_dag = b.T.conj() return np.matmul(a_dag + a, b_dag + b)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def int_YY(anhs): """ Dipole type coupling. Parameters ---------- anhs : Tensor list Annihilators. Returns ------- Tensor coupling """ a = anhs[0] b = anhs[1] a_dag = a.T.conj() b_dag = b.T.conj() return -np.matmul(a_dag - a, b_dag - b)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def x_drive(a): """ Semiclassical drive. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() return a_dag + a
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def y_drive(a): """ Semiclassical drive. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() return 1.0j * (a_dag - a)
[docs]@hamiltonian_reg_deco def z_drive(a): """ Semiclassical drive. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor Annihilator. Returns ------- Tensor Number operator. """ a_dag = a.T.conj() return np.matmul(a_dag, a)