
Module Contents

class c3.qiskit.c3_job.C3Job(backend, job_id, result)[source]

Bases: qiskit.providers.JobV1

Inheritance diagram of c3.qiskit.c3_job.C3Job

C3Job class


Job (JobV1) – Inherits JobV1 from qiskit.providers

submit() None[source]

Submit a job to the simulator

result() qiskit.result.Result[source]

Return the result of the job


Result of the job simulation

Return type


status() qiskit.providers.jobstatus.JobStatus[source]

Return job status


Status of the job

Return type


job_id() str

Return a unique id identifying the job.

backend() qiskit.providers.backend.Backend

Return the backend where this job was executed.

done() bool

Return whether the job has successfully run.

running() bool

Return whether the job is actively running.

cancelled() bool

Return whether the job has been cancelled.

in_final_state() bool

Return whether the job is in a final job state such as DONE or ERROR.

wait_for_final_state(timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait: float = 5, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) None

Poll the job status until it progresses to a final state such as DONE or ERROR.

  • timeout – Seconds to wait for the job. If None, wait indefinitely.

  • wait – Seconds between queries.

  • callback

    Callback function invoked after each query. The following positional arguments are provided to the callback function:

    • job_id: Job ID

    • job_status: Status of the job from the last query

    • job: This BaseJob instance

    Note: different subclass might provide different arguments to the callback function.


JobTimeoutError – If the job does not reach a final state before the specified timeout.

abstract cancel()

Attempt to cancel the job.