
Module to implement a C3Options class derived from the native qiskit Options class

Module Contents

class c3.qiskit.c3_options.C3Options(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: qiskit.providers.Options

Inheritance diagram of c3.qiskit.c3_options.C3Options

A derived class of the base Options class in Qiskit.

It only provides an additional to_dict() method to obtain all the options as a single dictionary


Options (qiskit.providers.Options) – Base class for Options. The get() and update_options() are used from this base class

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Return a dict representation of the options


The Options in the form of a dictionary

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

__setattr__(key, value)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Return a copy of the Options.

The returned option and validator values are shallow copies of the originals.


Return repr(self).


Return self==value.

set_validator(field, validator_value)

Set an optional validator for a field in the options

Setting a validator enables changes to an options values to be validated for correctness when update_options() is called. For example if you have a numeric field like shots you can specify a bounds tuple that set an upper and lower bound on the value such as:

options.set_validator("shots", (1, 4096))

In this case whenever the "shots" option is updated by the user it will enforce that the value is >=1 and <=4096. A ValueError will be raised if it’s outside those bounds. If a validator is already present for the specified field it will be silently overriden.

  • field (str) – The field name to set the validator on

  • validator_value (list or tuple or type) – The value to use for the validator depending on the type indicates on how the value for a field is enforced. If a tuple is passed in it must have a length of two and will enforce the min and max value (inclusive) for an integer or float value option. If it’s a list it will list the valid values for a field. If it’s a type the validator will just enforce the value is of a certain type.

  • KeyError – If field is not present in the options object

  • ValueError – If the validator_value has an invalid value for a given type

  • TypeError – If validator_value is not a valid type


Update options with kwargs

get(field, default=None)

Get an option value for a given key.


Return str(self).