Source code for c3.generator.devices

import os
import tempfile
import warnings
import hjson
from typing import Callable, Dict, Any
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from c3.signal.pulse import Envelope, Carrier
from c3.signal.gates import Instruction
from c3.c3objs import Quantity, C3obj, hjson_encode
from c3.utils.tf_utils import tf_convolve

devices = dict()

[docs]def dev_reg_deco(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ devices[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]class Device(C3obj): """A Device that is part of the stack generating the instruction signals. Parameters ---------- resolution: np.float64 Number of samples per second this device operates at. """ def __init__(self, **props): if "inputs" not in self.__dict__: self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 0) if "outputs" not in self.__dict__: self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 0) self.resolution = props.pop("resolution", 0) name = props.pop("name") desc = props.pop("desc", "") comment = props.pop("comment", "") # Because of legacy usage, we might have parameters given withing props iself # or in a "params" field. Here we combine them. params = props.pop("params", {}) params.update(props) super().__init__(name, desc, comment, params) self.signal = {}
[docs] def write_config(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Write dictionary to a HJSON file. """ with open(filepath, "w") as cfg_file: hjson.dump(self.asdict(), cfg_file, default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = {} for key, item in self.params.items(): params[key] = item.asdict() return { "c3type": self.__class__.__name__, "inputs": self.inputs, "outputs": self.outputs, "params": params, "resolution": self.resolution, }
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return hjson.dumps(self.asdict(), default=hjson_encode)
[docs] def calc_slice_num(self, t_start: np.float64, t_end: np.float64) -> None: """ Effective number of time slices given start, end and resolution. Parameters ---------- t_start: np.float64 Starting time for this device. t_end: np.float64 End time for this device. """ res = self.resolution self.slice_num = int(np.abs(t_start - t_end) * res)
# return self.slice_num
[docs] def create_ts( self, t_start: np.float64, t_end: np.float64, centered: bool = True ) -> tf.constant: """ Compute time samples. Parameters ---------- t_start: np.float64 Starting time for this device. t_end: np.float64 End time for this device. centered: boolean Sample in the middle of an interval, otherwise at the beginning. """ # Slice num can change between pulses self.calc_slice_num(t_start, t_end) dt = 1 / self.resolution # TODO This type of centering does not guarantee zeros at the ends if centered: offset = dt / 2 num = self.slice_num else: offset = 0 num = self.slice_num + 1 t_start = tf.constant(t_start + offset, dtype=tf.float64) t_end = tf.constant(t_end - offset, dtype=tf.float64) if np.mod(t_end, dt) > 1e-7: raise Exception( "C3:Error:Given length of is not a multiple of the resolution" ) # ts = tf.range(t_start, t_end + 1e-16, dt) ts = tf.linspace(t_start, t_end, num) return ts
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Readout(Device): """Mimic the readout process by multiplying a state phase with a factor and offset. Parameters ---------- factor: Quantity offset: Quantity """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) if "factor" not in self.params: raise Exception("C3:ERROR: Readout device needs a 'factor' parameter.") if "offset" not in self.params: raise Exception("C3:ERROR: Readout device needs an 'offset' parameter.")
[docs] def readout(self, phase): """ Apply the readout rescaling Parameters ---------- phase: tf.float64 Raw phase of a quantum state Returns ------- tf.float64 Rescaled readout value """ offset = self.params["offset"].get_value() factor = self.params["factor"].get_value() return phase * factor + offset
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class VoltsToHertz(Device): """Convert the voltage signal to an amplitude to plug into the model Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- V_to_Hz: Quantity Conversion factor. offset: tf.float64 Drive frequency offset. """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1)
[docs] def process( self, instr: Instruction, chan: str, mixed_signal: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Transform signal from value of V to Hz. Parameters ---------- mixed_signal: tf.Tensor Waveform as line voltages after IQ mixing Returns ------- tf.Tensor Waveform as control amplitudes """ v2hz = self.params["V_to_Hz"].get_value() self.signal["values"] = mixed_signal["values"] * v2hz self.signal["ts"] = mixed_signal["ts"] return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Crosstalk(Device): """ Device to phenomenologically include crosstalk in the model by explicitly mixing drive lines. Parameters ---------- crosstalk_matrix: tf.constant Matrix description of how to mix drive channels. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python xtalk = Crosstalk( name="crosstalk", channels=["TC1", "TC2"], crosstalk_matrix=Quantity( value=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], min_val=[[0, 0], [0, 0]], max_val=[[1, 1], [1, 1]], unit="", ), ) """ def __init__(self, **props): self.crossed_channels = props.pop("channels", None) super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.params["crosstalk_matrix"] = props.pop("crosstalk_matrix", None)
[docs] def process(self, signal: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Mix channels in the input signal according to a crosstalk matrix. Parameters ---------- signal: Dict[str, Any] Dictionary of several signals identified by their channel as dict keys, e.g. .. code-block:: python signal = { "TC1": {"values": [0, 0.5, 1, 1, ...]}, "TC2": {"values": [1, 1, 1, 1, ...], } Returns ------- signal: Dict[str, Any] """ xtalk = self.params["crosstalk_matrix"] signals = [signal[ch]["values"] for ch in self.crossed_channels] crossed_signals = xtalk.get_value() @ signals for indx, ch in enumerate(self.crossed_channels): signal[ch]["values"] = crossed_signals[indx] return signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class DigitalToAnalog(Device): """Take the values at the awg resolution to the simulation resolution.""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.ts = None self.sampling_method = props.pop("sampling_method", "nearest")
[docs] def process( self, instr: Instruction, chan: str, awg_signal: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Resample the awg values to higher resolution. Parameters ---------- instr: Instruction The logical instruction or qubit operation for which the signal is generated. chan: str Specifies which channel is being processed if needed. awg_signal: dict Dictionary of several signals identified by their channel as dict keys. Returns ------- dict Inphase and Quadrature compontent of the upsampled signal. """ ts = self.create_ts(instr.t_start, instr.t_end, centered=True) old_dim = awg_signal["inphase"].shape[0] new_dim = ts.shape[0] # TODO add following zeros inphase = tf.reshape( tf.image.resize( tf.reshape(awg_signal["inphase"], shape=[1, old_dim, 1]), size=[1, new_dim], method=self.sampling_method, ), shape=[new_dim], ) inphase = tf.cast(inphase, tf.float64) quadrature = tf.reshape( tf.image.resize( tf.reshape(awg_signal["quadrature"], shape=[1, old_dim, 1]), size=[1, new_dim], method=self.sampling_method, ), shape=[new_dim], ) quadrature = tf.cast(quadrature, tf.float64) self.signal["ts"] = ts self.signal["inphase"] = inphase self.signal["quadrature"] = quadrature return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Filter(Device): # TODO This can apply a general function to a signal. --> Should merge into StepFuncFilter """Apply a filter function to the signal.""" def __init__(self, **props): raise Exception("C3:ERROR Not yet implemented.") self.filter_function: Callable = props["filter_function"] super().__init__(**props)
[docs] def process( self, instr: Instruction, chan: str, Hz_signal: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Apply a filter function to the signal.""" self.signal = self.filter_function(Hz_signal) return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class FluxTuning(Device): """ Flux tunable qubit frequency. Parameters ---------- phi_0 : Quantity Flux bias. phi : Quantity Current flux. omega_0 : Quantity Maximum frequency. """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) for par in ["phi_0", "phi", "omega_0", "anhar"]: if par not in self.params: raise Exception( f"C3:ERROR: {self.__class__} needs a '{par}' parameter." )
[docs] def get_factor(self, phi): pi = tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.float64) phi_0 = tf.cast(self.params["phi_0"].get_value(), tf.float64) if "d" in self.params: d = self.params["d"].get_value() factor = tf.sqrt( tf.sqrt( tf.cos(pi * phi / phi_0) ** 2 + d ** 2 * tf.sin(pi * phi / phi_0) ** 2 ) ) else: factor = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(tf.cos(pi * phi / phi_0))) return factor
[docs] def get_freq(self, phi): # TODO: Check how the time dependency affects the frequency. (Koch et al. , 2007) omega_0 = self.params["omega_0"].get_value() anhar = self.params["anhar"].get_value() biased_freq = (omega_0 - anhar) * self.get_factor(phi) + anhar return biased_freq
[docs] def process(self, instr: Instruction, chan: str, signal_in): """ Compute the qubit frequency resulting from an applied flux. Parameters ---------- signal : tf.float64 Returns ------- tf.float64 Qubit frequency. """ phi = self.params["phi"].get_value() signal = signal_in["values"] self.signal["ts"] = signal_in["ts"] freq = self.get_freq(phi + signal) - self.get_freq(phi) self.signal["values"] = freq return self.signal
[docs]class FluxTuningLinear(Device): """ Flux tunable qubit frequency linear adjustment. Parameters ---------- phi_0 : Quantity Flux bias. Phi : Quantity Current flux. omega_0 : Quantity Maximum frequency. """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) for par in ["phi_0", "Phi", "omega_0"]: if par not in self.params: raise Exception( f"C3:ERROR: {self.__class__} needs a '{par}' parameter." ) self.freq = None
[docs] def frequency(self, signal: tf.float64) -> tf.constant: """ Compute the qubit frequency resulting from an applied flux. Parameters ---------- signal : tf.float64 Returns ------- tf.float64 Qubit frequency. """ pi = tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.float64) phi = self.params["phi"].get_value() omega_0 = self.params["omega_0"].get_value() # phi_0 = self.params["phi_0"].get_value() if "d" in self.params: d = self.params["d"].get_value() max_freq = omega_0 min_freq = omega_0 * tf.sqrt( tf.sqrt(tf.cos(pi * 0.5) ** 2 + d ** 2 * tf.sin(pi * 0.5) ** 2) ) else: max_freq = omega_0 min_freq = tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float64) self.freq = 2 * (signal - phi) * (min_freq - max_freq) return self.freq
# Depreciated use ResponseFFT instead
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Response(Device): """Make the AWG signal physical by convolution with a Gaussian to limit bandwith. Parameters ---------- rise_time : Quantity Time constant for the gaussian convolution. """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) warnings.warn( "use ResponseFFT for faster signal generation instead", DeprecationWarning )
[docs] def convolve(self, signal: list, resp_shape: list): """ Compute the convolution with a function. Parameters ---------- signal : list Potentially unlimited signal samples. resp_shape : list Samples of the function to model limited bandwidth. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Processed signal. """ convolution = tf.zeros(0, dtype=tf.float64) signal = tf.concat( [ tf.zeros(len(resp_shape), dtype=tf.float64), signal, tf.zeros(len(resp_shape), dtype=tf.float64), ], 0, ) for p in range(len(signal) - 2 * len(resp_shape)): convolution = tf.concat( [ convolution, tf.reshape( tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.math.multiply( signal[p : p + len(resp_shape)], resp_shape ) ), shape=[1], ), ], 0, ) return convolution
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, iq_signal): """ Apply a Gaussian shaped limiting function to an IQ signal. Parameters ---------- iq_signal : dict I and Q components of an AWG signal. Returns ------- dict Bandwidth limited IQ signal. """ n_ts = tf.floor(self.params["rise_time"].get_value() * self.resolution) ts = tf.linspace( tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float64), self.params["rise_time"].get_value(), tf.cast(n_ts, tf.int32), ) cen = tf.cast( (self.params["rise_time"].get_value() - 1 / self.resolution) / 2, tf.float64 ) sigma = self.params["rise_time"].get_value() / 4 gauss = tf.exp(-((ts - cen) ** 2) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) offset = tf.exp(-((-1 - cen) ** 2) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) # TODO make sure ratio of risetime and resolution is an integer risefun = gauss - offset inphase = self.convolve(iq_signal["inphase"], risefun / tf.reduce_sum(risefun)) quadrature = self.convolve( iq_signal["quadrature"], risefun / tf.reduce_sum(risefun) ) self.signal = { "inphase": inphase, "quadrature": quadrature, "ts": self.create_ts(instr.t_start, instr.t_end, centered=True), } return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class ResponseFFT(Device): """Make the AWG signal physical by convolution with a Gaussian to limit bandwith. Parameters ---------- rise_time : Quantity Time constant for the gaussian convolution. """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1)
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, iq_signal): """ Apply a Gaussian shaped limiting function to an IQ signal. Parameters ---------- iq_signal : dict I and Q components of an AWG signal. Returns ------- dict Bandwidth limited IQ signal. """ res_diff = (iq_signal["ts"][1] - iq_signal["ts"][0]) / self.resolution - 1 if res_diff > 1e-8: raise Exception( "C3:Error:Actual time resolution differs from desired by {res_diff:1.3g}." ) n_ts = tf.floor(self.params["rise_time"].get_value() * self.resolution) ts = tf.linspace( tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float64), self.params["rise_time"].get_value(), tf.cast(n_ts, tf.int32), ) cen = tf.cast( (self.params["rise_time"].get_value() - 1 / self.resolution) / 2, tf.float64 ) sigma = self.params["rise_time"].get_value() / 4 gauss = tf.exp(-((ts - cen) ** 2) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) offset = tf.exp(-((-1 - cen) ** 2) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) risefun = gauss - offset inphase = tf_convolve(iq_signal["inphase"], risefun / tf.reduce_sum(risefun)) quadrature = tf_convolve( iq_signal["quadrature"], risefun / tf.reduce_sum(risefun) ) inphase = tf.math.real(inphase) quadrature = tf.math.real(quadrature) self.signal = { "inphase": inphase, "quadrature": quadrature, "ts": iq_signal["ts"], } return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class StepFuncFilter(Device): """ Base class for filters that are based on the step response function Step function has to be defined explicetly """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1)
[docs] def step_response_function(self, ts): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, signal_in): ts = tf.identity(signal_in["ts"]) step_response = self.step_response_function(ts) step_response = tf.concat([[0], step_response], axis=0) impulse_response = step_response[1:] - step_response[:-1] signal_out = dict() for key, signal in signal_in.items(): if key == "ts": continue signal_out[key] = tf.cast(tf_convolve(signal, impulse_response), tf.float64) signal_out["ts"] = signal_in["ts"] return signal_out
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class ExponentialIIR(StepFuncFilter): """Implement IIR filter with step response of the form s(t) = (1 + A * exp(-t / t_iir) ) Parameters ---------- time_iir: Quantity Time constant for the filtering. amp: Quantity """
[docs] def step_response_function(self, ts): time_iir = self.params["time_iir"] amp = self.params["amp"] step_response = 1 + amp * tf.exp(-ts / time_iir) return step_response
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class HighpassExponential(StepFuncFilter): """Implement Highpass filter based on exponential with step response of the form s(t) = exp(-t / t_hp) Parameters ---------- time_iir: Quantity Time constant for the filtering. amp: Quantity """
[docs] def step_response_function(self, ts): time_hp = self.params["time_hp"] return tf.exp(-ts / time_hp)
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class SkinEffectResponse(StepFuncFilter): """Implement Highpass filter based on exponential with step response of the form s(t) = exp(-t / t_hp) Parameters ---------- time_iir: Quantity Time constant for the filtering. amp: Quantity """
[docs] def step_response_function(self, ts): alpha = self.params["alpha"] return tf.math.erfc(alpha / 21 / tf.math.sqrt(np.abs(ts)))
# Obsolete. Use HighpassExponential
[docs]class HighpassFilter(Device): """Introduce a highpass filter Parameters ---------- cutoff : Quantity cutoff frequency of highpass filter keep_mean : bool should the mean of the signal be restored """ def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.signal = None
[docs] def convolve(self, signal: list, resp_shape: list): """ Compute the convolution with a function. Parameters ---------- signal : list Potentially unlimited signal samples. resp_shape : list Samples of the function to model limited bandwidth. Returns ------- tf.Tensor Processed signal. """ convolution = tf.zeros(0, dtype=tf.float64) signal = tf.concat( [ tf.zeros(int(len(resp_shape) // 2), dtype=tf.float64), signal, tf.zeros(int(len(resp_shape) * 3 / 2) + 1, dtype=tf.float64), ], 0, ) for p in range(len(signal) - 2 * len(resp_shape)): convolution = tf.concat( [ convolution, tf.reshape( tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.math.multiply( signal[p : p + len(resp_shape)], resp_shape ) ), shape=[1], ), ], 0, ) return convolution
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, iq_signal): """ Apply a highpass cutoff to an IQ signal. Parameters ---------- iq_signal : dict I and Q components of an AWG signal. Returns ------- dict Filtered IQ signal. """ fc = self.params["cutoff"].get_value() / self.resolution if self.params["rise_time"]: tb = self.params["rise_time"].get_value() / self.resolution else: tb = fc / 2 # fc = 1e7 / self.resolution # tb = fc / 2 N_ts = tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(4 / tb), tf.int32) N_ts += 1 - tf.math.mod(N_ts, 2) # make n_ts odd if N_ts > len(iq_signal["inphase"] * 100): self.signal = iq_signal return self.signal pi = tf.cast(np.pi, tf.double) n = tf.cast(tf.range(N_ts), tf.double) x = 2 * fc * (n - (N_ts - 1) / 2) h = tf.sin(pi * x) / (pi * x) h = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(h), tf.ones_like(h), h) w = tf.signal.hamming_window(N_ts) w = tf.cast(w, tf.double) h *= w h /= -tf.reduce_sum(h) h = tf.where(tf.cast(n, tf.int32) == (N_ts - 1) // 2, tf.ones_like(h), h) inphase = self.convolve(iq_signal["inphase"], h) quadrature = self.convolve(iq_signal["quadrature"], h) self.signal = { "inphase": inphase, "quadrature": quadrature, "ts": iq_signal["ts"], } return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Mixer(Device): """Mixer device, combines inputs from the local oscillator and the AWG.""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 2) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1)
[docs] def process(self, instr: Instruction, chan: str, in1: dict, in2: dict): """Combine signal from AWG and LO. Parameters ---------- lo_signal : dict Local oscillator signal. awg_signal : dict Waveform generator signal. Returns ------- dict Mixed signal. """ i1 = in1["inphase"] q1 = in1["quadrature"] i2 = in2["inphase"] q2 = in2["quadrature"] self.signal = {"values": i1 * i2 + q1 * q2, "ts": in1["ts"]} # See Engineer's Guide Eq. 88 # TODO: Check consistency of the signs between Mixer, LO and AWG classes return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class LONoise(Device): """Noise applied to the local oscillator""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.signal = None self.params["noise_perc"] = props.pop("noise_perc")
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, lo_signal): """Distort signal by adding noise.""" noise_perc = self.params["noise_perc"].get_value() cos, sin = lo_signal["values"] cos = cos + noise_perc * np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=len(cos)) sin = sin + noise_perc * np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=len(sin)) lo_signal["values"] = (cos, sin) self.signal = lo_signal return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Additive_Noise(Device): """Noise applied to a signal""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.signal = None if "noise_amp" in props: self.params["noise_amp"] = props.pop("noise_amp")
[docs] def get_noise(self, sig): noise_amp = self.params["noise_amp"].get_value() return noise_amp * np.random.normal(size=tf.shape(sig), loc=0.0, scale=1.0)
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, signal): """Distort signal by adding noise.""" noise_amp = self.params["noise_amp"].get_value() out_signal = {"ts": signal["ts"]} for k, sig in signal.items(): if k != "ts" and "noise" not in k: if noise_amp < 1e-17: noise = tf.zeros_like(sig) else: noise = tf.constant( self.get_noise(sig), shape=sig.shape, dtype=tf.float64 ) noise_key = "noise" + ("-" + k if k != "values" else "") out_signal[noise_key] = noise out_signal[k] = sig + noise self.signal = out_signal return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class DC_Noise(Additive_Noise): """Add a random constant offset to the signals"""
[docs] def get_noise(self, sig): noise_amp = self.params["noise_amp"].get_value() return tf.ones_like(sig) * tf.constant( noise_amp * np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) )
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class Pink_Noise(Additive_Noise): """Device creating pink noise, i.e. 1/f noise.""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.params["bfl_num"] = props.pop( "bfl_num", Quantity(value=5, min_val=1, max_val=10) )
[docs] def get_noise(self, sig): noise_amp = self.params["noise_amp"].get_value().numpy() bfl_num =["bfl_num"].get_value().numpy()) noise = [] bfls = 2 * np.random.randint(2, size=bfl_num) - 1 num_steps = len(sig) flip_rates = np.logspace( 0, np.log(num_steps), num=bfl_num + 1, endpoint=True, base=10.0 ) for step in range(num_steps): for indx in range(bfl_num): if np.floor(np.random.random() * flip_rates[indx + 1]) == 0: bfls[indx] = -bfls[indx] noise.append(np.sum(bfls) * noise_amp) return noise
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class DC_Offset(Device): """Noise applied to a signal""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.inputs = props.pop("inputs", 1) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.signal = None self.params["offset_amp"] = props.pop("offset_amp")
[docs] def process(self, instr, chan, signal): """Distort signal by adding noise.""" offset_amp = self.params["offset_amp"].get_value() if np.abs(offset_amp) < 1e-17: self.signal = signal return signal out_signal = {} if type(signal) is dict: for k, sig in signal.items(): out_signal[k] = sig + offset_amp else: out_signal = signal + offset_amp self.signal = out_signal return self.signal
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class LO(Device): """Local oscillator device, generates a constant oscillating signal.""" def __init__(self, **props): super().__init__(**props) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) self.phase_noise = props.pop("phase_noise", 0) self.freq_noise = props.pop("freq_noise", 0) self.amp_noise = props.pop("amp_noise", 0)
[docs] def process(self, instr: Instruction, chan: str) -> dict: # TODO check somewhere that there is only 1 carrier per instruction ts = self.create_ts(instr.t_start, instr.t_end, centered=True) dt = ts[1] - ts[0] phase_noise = self.phase_noise amp_noise = self.amp_noise freq_noise = self.freq_noise components = instr.comps for comp in components[chan].values(): if isinstance(comp, Carrier): cos, sin = [], [] omega_lo = comp.params["freq"].get_value() if amp_noise and freq_noise: print("amp and freq noise") phi = omega_lo * ts[0] for _ in ts: A = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=amp_noise) cos.append(A * np.cos(phi)) sin.append(A * np.sin(phi)) omega = omega_lo + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=freq_noise) phi = phi + omega * dt elif amp_noise and phase_noise: print("amp and phase noise") for t in ts: A = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=amp_noise) phi = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=phase_noise) cos.append(A * np.cos(omega_lo * t + phi)) sin.append(A * np.sin(omega_lo * t + phi)) elif amp_noise: print("amp noise") for t in ts: A = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=amp_noise) cos.append(A * np.cos(omega_lo * t)) sin.append(A * np.sin(omega_lo * t)) elif phase_noise: print("phase noise") for t in ts: phi = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=phase_noise) cos.append(np.cos(omega_lo * t + phi)) sin.append(np.sin(omega_lo * t + phi)) elif freq_noise: phi = omega_lo * ts[0] for _ in ts: cos.append(np.cos(phi)) sin.append(np.sin(phi)) omega = omega_lo + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=freq_noise) phi = phi + omega * dt else: cos = tf.cos(omega_lo * ts) sin = tf.sin(omega_lo * ts) self.signal["inphase"] = cos self.signal["quadrature"] = sin self.signal["ts"] = ts if "inphase" not in self.signal: raise Exception(f"C3:Error: Probably no carrier proviced for {}") return self.signal
# TODO real AWG has 16bits plus noise
[docs]@dev_reg_deco class AWG(Device): """AWG device, transforms digital input to analog signal. Parameters ---------- logdir : str Filepath to store generated waveforms. """ def __init__(self, **props): self.__options = "" self.logdir = props.pop( "logdir", os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "c3logs", "AWG") ) self.logname = "awg.log" options = props.pop("options", "") super().__init__(**props) self.outputs = props.pop("outputs", 1) # TODO move the options pwc & drag to the instruction object self.amp_tot_sq = None self.process = self.create_IQ if options == "drag": self.enable_drag() elif options == "drag_2": self.enable_drag_2() self.centered_ts = True
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: awg_dict = super().asdict() awg_dict["options"] = self.__options return awg_dict
# TODO create DC function # TODO make AWG take offset from the previous point
[docs] def create_IQ(self, instr: Instruction, chan: str) -> dict: """ Construct the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the signal. These are universal to either experiment or simulation. In the xperiment these will be routed to AWG and mixer electronics, while in the simulation they provide the shapes of the instruction fields to be added to the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- channel : str Identifier for the selected drive line. components : dict Separate signals to be combined onto this drive line. t_start : float Beginning of the signal. t_end : float End of the signal. Returns ------- dict Waveforms as I and Q components. """ ts = self.create_ts(instr.t_start, instr.t_end, centered=True) self.ts = ts signal, norm = instr.get_awg_signal(chan, ts, options={self.__options: True}) self.amp_tot = norm self.signal[chan] = { "inphase": signal["inphase"], "quadrature": signal["quadrature"], "ts": ts, } return self.signal[chan]
[docs] def create_IQ_pwc(self, instr: Instruction, chan: str) -> dict: """ Construct the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the signal. These are universal to either experiment or simulation. In the xperiment these will be routed to AWG and mixer electronics, while in the simulation they provide the shapes of the instruction fields to be added to the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- channel : str Identifier for the selected drive line. components : dict Separate signals to be combined onto this drive line. t_start : float Beginning of the signal. t_end : float End of the signal. Returns ------- dict Waveforms as I and Q components. """ ts = self.create_ts(instr.t_start, instr.t_end, centered=True) components = instr.comps self.ts = ts # dt = ts[1] - ts[0] amp_tot_sq = 0.0 inphase_comps = [] quadrature_comps = [] for comp in components[chan].values(): if isinstance(comp, Envelope): amp_tot_sq += 1 if comp.shape is None: inphase = comp.params["inphase"].get_value() quadrature = comp.params["quadrature"].get_value() else: shape = comp.get_shape_values(ts) inphase = tf.math.real(shape) quadrature = tf.math.imag(shape) xy_angle = comp.params["xy_angle"].get_value() freq_offset = comp.params["freq_offset"].get_value() phase = xy_angle + freq_offset * ts if len(inphase) != len(quadrature): raise ValueError("inphase and quadrature are of different lengths.") elif len(inphase) < len(ts): zeros = tf.constant( np.zeros(len(ts) - len(inphase)), dtype=inphase.dtype ) inphase = tf.concat([inphase, zeros], axis=0) quadrature = tf.concat([quadrature, zeros], axis=0) inphase_comps.append( inphase * tf.cos(phase) + quadrature * tf.sin(phase) ) quadrature_comps.append( quadrature * tf.cos(phase) - inphase * tf.sin(phase) ) norm = tf.sqrt(tf.cast(amp_tot_sq, tf.float64)) inphase = tf.add_n(inphase_comps, name="inphase") quadrature = tf.add_n(quadrature_comps, name="quadrature") self.amp_tot = norm self.signal[chan] = {"inphase": inphase, "quadrature": quadrature, "ts": ts} return {"inphase": inphase, "quadrature": quadrature, "ts": ts}
[docs] def get_average_amp(self, line): """ Compute average and sum of the amplitudes. Used to estimate effective drive power for non-trivial shapes. Returns ------- tuple Average and sum. """ In = self.get_I(line) Qu = self.get_Q(line) amp_per_bin = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(In) ** 2 + tf.abs(Qu) ** 2) av = tf.reduce_mean(amp_per_bin) sum = tf.reduce_sum(amp_per_bin) return av, sum
[docs] def get_I(self, line): return self.signal[line]["inphase"] # * self.amp_tot
[docs] def get_Q(self, line): return self.signal[line]["quadrature"] # * self.amp_tot
[docs] def enable_drag(self): self.__options = "drag"
[docs] def enable_drag_2(self): self.__options = "drag_2"
[docs] def enable_pwc(self): self.__options = "pwc"
[docs] def log_shapes(self): # TODO log shapes in the generator instead with open(self.logdir + self.logname, "a") as logfile: signal = {} for key in self.signal: signal[key] = self.signal[key].numpy().tolist() logfile.write(hjson.dumps(signal, default=hjson_encode)) logfile.write("\n") logfile.flush()