Source code for c3.libraries.envelopes

Library of envelope functions.

All functions assume the input of a time vector.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from c3.c3objs import Quantity as Qty
from c3.utils.utils import deprecated

envelopes = dict()

[docs]def env_reg_deco(func): """ Decorator for making registry of functions """ envelopes[str(func.__name__)] = func return func
[docs]@env_reg_deco def no_drive(t, params=None): """Do nothing.""" return tf.zeros_like(t, dtype=tf.float64)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def pwc(t, params): """Piecewise constant pulse.""" # TODO make pwc return actual values like other envelopes return params
[docs]@env_reg_deco def pwc_shape(t, params): """ Piecewise constant pulse while defining only a given number of samples, while interpolating linearly between those. Parameters ---------- t params t_bin_start/t_bin_end can be used to specify specific range. e.g. timepoints taken from awg. Returns ------- """ t_bin_start = tf.cast(params["t_bin_start"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_bin_end = tf.cast(params["t_bin_end"].get_value(), tf.float64) inphase = tf.cast(params["inphase"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_interp = t shape = tf.reshape( tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid( t_interp, t_bin_start, t_bin_end, inphase, fill_value_below=0, fill_value_above=0, ), [len(t), 1], ) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def pwc_shape_plateau(t, params): t_bin_start = params["t_bin_start"].get_value() t_bin_end = params["t_bin_end"].get_value() inphase = params["inphase"].get_value() if "width" in params: width = params["width"].get_value() plateau = width - (t_bin_end - t_bin_start) t_mid = (t_bin_end - t_bin_start) / 2 x = tf.identity(t) x = tf.where(t > t_mid + plateau, t - plateau, x) x = tf.where(t < t_mid, t, x) x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(t < t_mid + plateau, t > t_mid), t_mid, x) t_interp = x else: t_interp = t shape = tf.reshape( tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid( t_interp, t_bin_start, t_bin_end, inphase, fill_value_below=0, fill_value_above=0, ), [len(t), 1], ) if "width" in params: shape = tf.where(x == t_mid, 1.0, shape) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def pwc_symmetric(t, params): """symmetic PWC pulse This works only for inphase component""" t_bin_start = tf.cast(params["t_bin_start"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_bin_end = tf.cast(params["t_bin_end"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) inphase = tf.cast(params["inphase"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_interp = tf.where(tf.greater(t, t_final / 2), -t + t_final, t) shape = tf.reshape( tfp.math.interp_regular_1d_grid( t_interp, t_bin_start, t_bin_end, inphase, fill_value_below=0, fill_value_above=0, ), [len(t)], ) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def delta_pulse(t, params): """Pulse shape which gives an output only at a given time bin""" t_sig = tf.cast(params["t_sig"].get_value(), tf.float64) shape = tf.zeros_like(t) for t_s in t_sig: shape = tf.where( tf.reduce_min((t - t_s - 1e-9) ** 2) == (t - t_s - 1e-9) ** 2, np.ones_like(t), shape, ) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def fourier_sin(t, params): """Fourier basis of the pulse constant pulse (sin). Parameters ---------- params : dict amps : list Weights of the fourier components freqs : list Frequencies of the fourier components """ amps = tf.reshape( tf.cast(params["amps"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64), [params["amps"].get_value().shape[0], 1], ) freqs = tf.reshape( tf.cast(params["freqs"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64), [params["freqs"].get_value().shape[0], 1], ) phases = tf.reshape( tf.cast(params["phases"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64), [params["phases"].get_value().shape[0], 1], ) t = tf.reshape(tf.cast(t, tf.float64), [1, t.shape[0]]) return tf.reduce_sum(amps * tf.sin(freqs * t + phases), 0)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def fourier_cos(t, params): """Fourier basis of the pulse constant pulse (cos). Parameters ---------- params : dict amps : list Weights of the fourier components freqs : list Frequencies of the fourier components """ amps = tf.reshape( tf.cast(params["amps"].get_value(), tf.float64), [params["amps"].shape[0], 1] ) freqs = tf.reshape( tf.cast(params["freqs"].get_value(), tf.float64), [params["freqs"].shape[0], 1] ) t = tf.reshape(tf.cast(t, tf.float64), [1, t.shape[0]]) return tf.reduce_sum(amps * tf.cos(freqs * t), 0)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def rect(t, params=None): """Rectangular pulse. Returns 1 at every time step.""" return tf.ones_like(t, tf.float64)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def trapezoid(t, params): """Trapezoidal pulse. Width of linear slope. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of pulse. risefall : float Length of the slope """ risefall = tf.cast(params["risefall"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) envelope = tf.ones_like(t, tf.float64) envelope = tf.where( tf.less_equal(t, risefall * 2.5), t / (risefall * 2.5), envelope ) envelope = tf.where( tf.greater_equal(t, t_final - risefall * 2.5), (t_final - t) / (risefall * 2.5), envelope, ) return envelope
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop_risefall(t, params): """Flattop gaussian with width of length risefall, modelled by error functions. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of pulse. risefall : float Length of the ramps. Position of ramps is so that the pulse starts with the start of the ramp-up and ends at the end of the ramp-down """ risefall = tf.cast(params["risefall"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_up = risefall t_down = t_final - risefall return ( (1 + tf.math.erf((t - t_up) / risefall)) / 2 * (1 + tf.math.erf((-t + t_down) / risefall)) / 2 )
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop(t, params): """Flattop gaussian with width of length risefall, modelled by error functions. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_up : float Center of the ramp up. t_down : float Center of the ramp down. risefall : float Length of the ramps. """ t_up = tf.cast(params["t_up"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_down = tf.cast(params["t_down"].get_value(), tf.float64) risefall = tf.cast(params["risefall"].get_value(), tf.float64) shape = ( (1 + tf.math.erf((t - t_up) / risefall)) / 2 * (1 + tf.math.erf((-t + t_down) / risefall)) / 2 ) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop_cut(t, params): """Flattop gaussian with width of length risefall, modelled by error functions. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_up : float Center of the ramp up. t_down : float Center of the ramp down. risefall : float Length of the ramps. """ t_up = tf.cast(params["t_up"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64) t_down = tf.cast(params["t_down"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64) risefall = tf.cast(params["risefall"].get_value(), dtype=tf.float64) shape = tf.math.erf((t - t_up) / risefall) * tf.math.erf((-t + t_down) / risefall) shape = tf.clip_by_value(shape, 0, 1) shape /= tf.reduce_max(shape) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop_cut_center(t, params): """Flattop gaussian with width of length risefall, modelled by error functions. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_up : float Center of the ramp up. t_down : float Center of the ramp down. risefall : float Length of the ramps. """ t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) width = tf.cast(params["width"].get_value(), tf.float64) risefall = tf.cast(params["risefall"].get_value(), tf.float64) t_up = t_final / 2 - width / 2 t_down = t_final / 2 + width / 2 shape = tf.math.erf((t - t_up) / risefall) * tf.math.erf((-t + t_down) / risefall) shape = tf.clip_by_value(shape, 0, 2) return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def slepian_fourier(t, params): """ ---- """ t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) width = tf.cast(params["width"].get_value(), tf.float64) fourier_coeffs = tf.cast(params["fourier_coeffs"].get_value(), tf.float64) offset = tf.cast(params["offset"].get_value(), tf.float64) amp = tf.cast(params["amp"].get_value(), tf.float64) if "risefall" in params: plateau = width - params["risefall"].get_value() * 2 x = tf.identity(t) x = tf.where(t > (t_final + plateau) / 2, t - plateau / 2, x) x = tf.where(t < (t_final - plateau) / 2, t + plateau / 2, x) x = tf.where(np.abs(t - t_final / 2) < plateau / 2, t_final / 2, x) length = params["risefall"].get_value() * 2 else: x = tf.identity(t) length = tf.identity(width) shape = tf.zeros_like(t) for n, coeff in enumerate(fourier_coeffs): shape += coeff * ( 1 - tf.cos(2 * np.pi * (n + 1) * (x - (t_final - length) / 2) / length) ) if "sin_coeffs" in params: for n, coeff in enumerate(params["sin_coeffs"].get_value()): shape += coeff * ( tf.sin((np.pi * (2 * n + 1)) * (x - (t_final - length) / 2) / length) ) shape = tf.where(tf.abs(t_final / 2 - t) > width / 2, tf.zeros_like(t), shape) shape /= tf.reduce_max(shape) shape = shape * (1 - offset / amp) + offset / amp return shape
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop_risefall_1ns(t, params): """Flattop gaussian with fixed width of 1ns.""" params["risefall"] = Qty(1e-9, unit="s") return flattop_risefall(t, params)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def gaussian_sigma(t, params): """ Normalized gaussian. Total area is 1, maximum is determined accordingly. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of the Gaussian. sigma: float Width of the Gaussian. """ t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = tf.cast(params["sigma"].get_value(), tf.float64) gauss = tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) offset = tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) norm = ( tf.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * tf.math.erf(t_final / (np.sqrt(8) * sigma)) - t_final * offset ) return (gauss - offset) / norm
@deprecated("Using standard width. Better use gaussian_sigma().") @env_reg_deco def gaussian(t, params): """ Normalized gaussian with fixed time/sigma ratio. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of the Gaussian. """ params["sigma"] = Qty( value=params["t_final"].get_value() / 6, min_val=params["t_final"].get_value() / 8, max_val=params["t_final"].get_value() / 4, unit=params["t_final"].unit, ) return gaussian_sigma(t, params)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def cosine(t, params): """ Cosine-shaped envelope. Maximum value is 1, area is given by length. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of the Gaussian. sigma: float Width of the Gaussian. """ # TODO Add zeroes for t>t_final t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) cos = 0.5 * (1 - tf.cos(2 * np.pi * t / t_final)) return cos
[docs]@env_reg_deco def cosine_flattop(t, params): """ Cosine-shaped envelope. Maximum value is 1, area is given by length. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of the Gaussian. sigma: float Width of the Gaussian. """ t_rise = tf.cast(params["t_rise"].get_value(), tf.float64) dt = tf.reshape(t[1] - t[0], ()) n_rise = tf.cast(t_rise / dt, tf.int32) n_flat = len(t) - 2 * n_rise cos_flt = tf.concat( [ 0.5 * (1 - tf.cos(np.pi * t[:n_rise] / t_rise)), tf.ones((n_flat, 1), dtype=tf.float64), 0.5 * (1 + tf.cos(np.pi * t[:n_rise] / t_rise)), ], axis=0, ) return cos_flt
[docs]@env_reg_deco def gaussian_nonorm(t, params): """ Non-normalized gaussian. Maximum value is 1, area is given by length. Parameters ---------- params : dict t_final : float Total length of the Gaussian. sigma: float Width of the Gaussian. """ # TODO Add zeroes for t>t_final t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = params["sigma"].get_value() gauss = tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) return gauss
[docs]@env_reg_deco def gaussian_der_nonorm(t, params): """Derivative of the normalized gaussian (ifself not normalized).""" t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = tf.cast(params["sigma"].get_value(), tf.float64) gauss_der = ( tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) * (t - t_final / 2) / sigma ** 2 ) return gauss_der
[docs]@env_reg_deco def gaussian_der(t, params): """Derivative of the normalized gaussian (ifself not normalized).""" t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = tf.cast(params["sigma"].get_value(), tf.float64) gauss_der = ( tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) * (t - t_final / 2) / sigma ** 2 ) norm = tf.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * tf.math.erf( t_final / (tf.cast(tf.sqrt(8.0), tf.float64) * sigma) ) - t_final * tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) return gauss_der / norm
[docs]@env_reg_deco def drag_sigma(t, params): """Second order gaussian.""" t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = tf.cast(params["sigma"].get_value(), tf.float64) drag = tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) norm = tf.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * tf.math.erf( t_final / (np.sqrt(8) * sigma) ) - t_final * tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) offset = tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) return (drag - offset) ** 2 / norm
@deprecated("Using standard width. Better use drag_sigma.") @env_reg_deco def drag(t, params): """Second order gaussian with fixed time/sigma ratio.""" params["sigma"] = Qty( value=params["t_final"].get_value() / 4, min_val=params["t_final"].get_value() / 8, max_val=params["t_final"].get_value() / 2, unit=params["t_final"].unit, ) return drag_sigma(t, params)
[docs]@env_reg_deco def drag_der(t, params): """Derivative of second order gaussian.""" t_final = tf.cast(params["t_final"].get_value(), tf.float64) sigma = tf.cast(params["sigma"].get_value(), tf.float64) norm = tf.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * tf.math.erf( t_final / (np.sqrt(8) * sigma) ) - t_final * tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) offset = tf.exp(-(t_final ** 2) / (8 * sigma ** 2)) der = ( -2 * (tf.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) - offset) * (np.exp(-((t - t_final / 2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))) * (t - t_final / 2) / sigma ** 2 / norm ) return der
[docs]@env_reg_deco def flattop_variant(t, params): """ Flattop variant. """ t_up = params["t_up"] t_down = params["t_down"] ramp = params["ramp"] value = np.ones(len(t)) if ramp > (t_down - t_up) / 2: ramp = (t_down - t_up) / 2 sigma = np.sqrt(2) * ramp * 0.2 for i, e in enumerate(t): if t_up <= e <= t_up + ramp: value[i] = np.exp(-((e - t_up - ramp) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) elif t_up + ramp < e < t_down - ramp: value[i] = 1 elif t_down >= e >= t_down - ramp: value[i] = np.exp(-((e - t_down + ramp) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) else: value[i] = 0 return value