Source code for c3.optimizers.calibration

"""Object that deals with the closed loop optimal control."""

import os
import time
import hjson
import pickle
import inspect

from c3.c3objs import hjson_decode
from c3.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
from c3.libraries.algorithms import algorithms
from c3.utils.utils import log_setup

[docs]class Calibration(Optimizer): """ Object that deals with the closed loop optimal control. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Filepath to save results eval_func : callable infidelity function to be minimized pmap : ParameterMap Identifiers for the parameter vector algorithm : callable From the algorithm library options : dict Options to be passed to the algorithm run_name : str User specified name for the run, will be used as root folder """ def __init__( self, eval_func, pmap, algorithm, dir_path=None, exp_type=None, exp_right=None, options={}, run_name=None, ): if type(algorithm) is str: algorithm = algorithms[algorithm] super().__init__(pmap=pmap, algorithm=algorithm) self.set_eval_func(eval_func, exp_type) self.options = options self.exp_right = exp_right self.__dir_path = dir_path self.__run_name = run_name = self.optimize_controls # alias for legacy method
[docs] def set_eval_func(self, eval_func, exp_type): """ Setter for the eval function. Parameters ---------- eval_func : callable Function to be evaluated """ # TODO: Implement shell for experiment communication self.eval_func = eval_func
[docs] def log_setup(self) -> None: """ Create the folders to store data. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Filepath run_name : str User specified name for the run """ run_name = self.__run_name if run_name is None: run_name = self.eval_func.__name__ + self.algorithm.__name__ self.logdir = log_setup(self.__dir_path, run_name) self.logname = "calibration.log" # We create a copy of the source code of the evaluation function in the log with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, ""), "w") as eval_source: eval_source.write(inspect.getsource(self.eval_func))
[docs] def optimize_controls(self) -> None: """ Apply a search algorithm to your gateset given a fidelity function. """ self.log_setup() self.start_log() self.picklefilename = self.logdir + "dataset.pickle" print(f"C3:STATUS:Saving as: {os.path.abspath(self.logdir + self.logname)}") x_init = self.pmap.get_parameters_scaled() try: self.algorithm( x_init, fun=self.fct_to_min, fun_grad=self.fct_to_min_autograd, grad_lookup=self.lookup_gradient, options=self.options, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, "best_point_" + self.logname), "r") as file: best_params = hjson.load(file, object_pairs_hook=hjson_decode)[ "optim_status" ]["params"] self.pmap.set_parameters(best_params) self.end_log() measurements = [] with open(self.picklefilename, "rb") as pickle_file: while True: try: measurements.append(pickle.load(pickle_file)) except EOFError: break learn_from = {} learn_from["seqs_grouped_by_param_set"] = measurements learn_from["opt_map"] = self.pmap.opt_map with open(self.picklefilename, "wb+") as pickle_file: pickle.dump(learn_from, pickle_file)
[docs] def goal_run(self, current_params): """ Evaluate the goal function for current parameters. Parameters ---------- current_params : tf.Tensor Vector representing the current parameter values. Returns ------- tf.float64 Value of the goal function """ self.pmap.set_parameters_scaled(current_params) # There could be more processing happening here, i.e. an exp could # generate signals for an experiment and send those to eval_func. params = self.pmap.get_parameters() goal, results, results_std, seqs, shots = self.eval_func(params) self.optim_status["params"] = [ par.numpy().tolist() for par in self.pmap.get_parameters() ] self.optim_status["goal"] = float(goal) self.optim_status["time"] = time.asctime() self.evaluation += 1 self.log_pickle(params, seqs, results, results_std, shots) return goal
[docs] def log_pickle(self, params, seqs, results, results_std, shots): """ Save a pickled version of the performed experiment, suitable for model learning. Parameters ---------- params : tf.Tensor Vector of parameter values seqs : list Strings identifying the performed instructions results : list Values of the goal function results_std : list Standard deviation of the results, in the case of noisy data shots : list Number of repetitions used in averaging noisy data """ data_entry = { "params": params, "seqs": seqs, "results": results, "results_std": results_std, "shots": shots, } with open(self.picklefilename, "ab") as file: pickle.dump(data_entry, file)