Source code for c3.optimizers.modellearning

"""Object that deals with the model learning."""

import os
import time
import hjson
import pickle
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from typing import List, Dict
from c3.c3objs import hjson_decode
from c3.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
from c3.utils.utils import log_setup

from c3.libraries.algorithms import algorithms as alg_lib
from c3.libraries.estimators import estimators as est_lib
from c3.libraries.sampling import sampling as samp_lib
from c3.libraries.estimators import (

[docs]class ModelLearning(Optimizer): """ Object that deals with the model learning. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Filepath to save results sampling : str Sampling method from the sampling library batch_sizes : list Number of points to select from each dataset seqs_per_point : int Number of sequences that use the same parameter set pmap : ParameterMap Identifiers for the parameter vector state_labels : list Identifiers for the qubit subspaces callback_foms : list Figures of merit to additionally compute and store algorithm : callable From the algorithm library run_name : str User specified name for the run, will be used as root folder options : dict Options to be passed to the algorithm """ def __init__( self, sampling, batch_sizes, pmap, datafiles, dir_path=None, estimator=None, seqs_per_point=None, state_labels=None, callback_foms=[], algorithm=None, run_name=None, options={}, ): """Initiliase.""" # Consistency checks if estimator: raise NotImplementedError( "C3:ERROR: Setting estimators is currently not supported." "Only the standard logarithmic likelihood can be used at the moment." "Please remove this setting." ) if type(algorithm) is str: try: algorithm = alg_lib[algorithm] except KeyError: raise KeyError("C3:ERROR:Unknown algorithm.") if type(sampling) is str: try: sampling = samp_lib[sampling] except KeyError: raise KeyError("C3:ERROR:Unknown sampling method.") super().__init__(pmap=pmap, algorithm=algorithm) self.state_labels = {"all": None} for target, labels in state_labels.items(): self.state_labels[target] = [tuple(lab) for lab in labels] self.callback_foms = [] for cb_fom in callback_foms: if type(cb_fom) is str: try: self.callback_foms.append(est_lib[cb_fom]) except KeyError: print( f"C3:WARNING: No estimator named '{cb_fom}' found." " Skipping this callback estimator." ) else: self.callback_foms.append(cb_fom) self.inverse = False self.options = options self.learn_data = {} self.read_data(datafiles) self.sampling = sampling self.batch_sizes = batch_sizes self.seqs_per_point = seqs_per_point self.fom = g_LL_prime_combined self.__dir_path = dir_path self.__run_name = run_name self.scaling = True # interoperability with sensitivity which uses no scaling self.logname = "model_learn.log" # shared log_setup requires logname = self.learn_model # Alias legacy name for optimization method
[docs] def log_setup(self) -> None: """ Create the folders to store data. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Filepath run_name : str User specified name for the run """ run_name = self.__run_name if run_name is None: run_name = "-".join( [self.algorithm.__name__, self.sampling.__name__, self.fom.__name__] ) self.logdir = log_setup(self.__dir_path, run_name)
[docs] def read_data(self, datafiles: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Open data files and read in experiment results. Parameters ---------- datafiles : dict List of paths for files that contain learning data. """ self.__real_model_folder = os.path.dirname(list(datafiles.values())[0]) for target, datafile in datafiles.items(): with open(datafile, "rb+") as file: self.learn_data[target] = pickle.load(file)
[docs] def select_from_data(self, batch_size) -> List[int]: """ Select a subset of each dataset to compute the goal function on. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Number of points to select Returns ------- list Indeces of the selected data points. """ # TODO fix when batch size is 1 (atm it does all) learn_from = self.learn_from sampling = self.sampling indeces = sampling(learn_from, batch_size) total_size = len(learn_from) all_indxs = list(range(total_size)) if self.inverse: selected_indeces = list(set(all_indxs) - set(indeces)) else: selected_indeces = indeces return selected_indeces
[docs] def learn_model(self) -> None: """ Performs the model learning by minimizing the figure of merit. """ self.log_setup() self.start_log() print(f"C3:STATUS:Saving as: {os.path.abspath(self.logdir + self.logname)}") x_init = self.pmap.get_parameters_scaled() try: self.algorithm( x_init, fun=self.fct_to_min, fun_grad=self.fct_to_min_autograd, grad_lookup=self.lookup_gradient, options=self.options, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, "best_point_" + self.logname), "r") as file: best_params = hjson.load(file, object_pairs_hook=hjson_decode)[ "optim_status" ]["params"] self.pmap.set_parameters(best_params) self.pmap.model.update_model() self.end_log() self.confirm()
[docs] def confirm(self) -> None: """ Compute the validation set, i.e. the value of the goal function on all points of the dataset that were not used for learning. """ self.logname = "confirm.log" self.inverse = True self.start_log() print(f"C3:STATUS:Saving as: {os.path.abspath(self.logdir + self.logname)}") x_best = self.pmap.get_parameters_scaled() self.evaluation = -1 try: self.goal_run(x_best) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def _one_par_sim_vals( self, current_params: tf.constant, m: dict, ipar: int, target: str ) -> tf.float64: seqs_pp = self.seqs_per_point m = self.learn_from[ipar] gateset_params = m["params"] sequences = m["seqs"][:seqs_pp] # Model learning uses scaled parameters but Sensitivity uses # unscaled parameters. This workaround flag allows for code reuse if self.scaling: self.pmap.set_parameters_scaled(current_params) else: self.pmap.set_parameters(current_params) self.pmap.model.update_model() self.pmap.set_parameters(gateset_params, self.gateset_opt_map) # We find the unique gates used in the sequence and compute # only those. self.exp.set_opt_gates_seq(sequences) self.exp.compute_propagators() pops = self.exp.evaluate(sequences) sim_vals, pops = self.exp.process( labels=self.state_labels[target], populations=pops ) return sim_vals def _log_one_dataset( self, data_set: dict, ipar: int, indeces: list, sim_vals: list, count: int ) -> None: seqs_pp = self.seqs_per_point m_vals = data_set["results"][:seqs_pp] m_stds = np.array(data_set["results_std"][:seqs_pp]) m_shots = data_set["shots"][:seqs_pp] sequences = data_set["seqs"][:seqs_pp] with open(self.logdir + self.logname, "a") as logfile: logfile.write(f"\n Parameterset {ipar + 1}, #{count} of {len(indeces)}:\n") logfile.write( "Sequence Simulation Experiment Std Shots" " Diff\n" ) for iseq in range(len(sequences)): m_val = np.array(m_vals[iseq]) m_std = np.array(m_stds[iseq]) shots = np.array(m_shots[iseq]) sim_val = sim_vals[iseq].numpy() with open(self.logdir + self.logname, "a") as logfile: for ii in range(len(sim_val)): logfile.write( f"{iseq + 1:8} " f"{float(sim_val[ii]):8.6f} " f"{float(m_val[ii]):8.6f} " f"{float(m_std[ii]):8.6f} " f"{float(shots[0]):8} " f"{float(m_val[ii]-sim_val[ii]): 8.6f}\n" ) logfile.flush()
[docs] def goal_run(self, current_params: tf.constant) -> tf.float64: """ Evaluate the figure of merit for the current model parameters. Parameters ---------- current_params : tf.Tensor Current model parameters Returns ------- tf.float64 Figure of merit """ exp_values = [] sim_values = [] exp_stds = [] exp_shots = [] goals = [] seq_weigths = [] count = 0 seqs_pp = self.seqs_per_point # TODO: seq per point is not constant. Remove. for target, data in self.learn_data.items(): self.learn_from = data["seqs_grouped_by_param_set"] self.gateset_opt_map = data["opt_map"] indeces = self.select_from_data(self.batch_sizes[target]) for ipar in indeces: count += 1 data_set = self.learn_from[ipar] m_vals = data_set["results"][:seqs_pp] m_stds = data_set["results_std"][:seqs_pp] m_shots = data_set["shots"][:seqs_pp] sequences = data_set["seqs"][:seqs_pp] num_seqs = len(sequences) if target == "all": num_seqs = len(sequences) * 3 sim_vals = self._one_par_sim_vals( current_params, data_set, ipar, target ) if target == "all": one_goal = neg_loglkh_multinom_norm( m_vals, tf.stack(sim_vals), tf.constant(m_stds, dtype=tf.float64), tf.constant(m_shots, dtype=tf.float64), ) else: one_goal = g_LL_prime( m_vals, tf.stack(sim_vals), tf.constant(m_stds, dtype=tf.float64), tf.constant(m_shots, dtype=tf.float64), ) exp_stds.extend(m_stds) exp_shots.extend(m_shots) goals.append(one_goal.numpy()) seq_weigths.append(num_seqs) sim_values.extend(sim_vals) exp_values.extend(m_vals) self._log_one_dataset(data_set, ipar, indeces, sim_vals, count) goal = g_LL_prime_combined(goals, seq_weigths) # TODO make gradient free function use any fom with open(self.logdir + self.logname, "a") as logfile: logfile.write("\nFinished batch with ") logfile.write("{}: {}\n".format("g_LL_prime_combined", goal)) for cb_fom in self.callback_foms: val = float(cb_fom(exp_values, sim_values, exp_stds, exp_shots).numpy()) logfile.write("{}: {}\n".format(cb_fom.__name__, val)) logfile.flush() self.optim_status["params"] = [ par.numpy().tolist() for par in self.pmap.get_parameters() ] self.optim_status["goal"] = goal self.optim_status["time"] = time.asctime() self.evaluation += 1 return goal
[docs] def goal_run_with_grad(self, current_params): """ Same as goal_run but with gradient. Very resource intensive. Unoptimized at the moment. """ exp_values = [] sim_values = [] exp_stds = [] exp_shots = [] goals = [] grads = [] seq_weigths = [] count = 0 for target, data in self.learn_data.items(): self.learn_from = data["seqs_grouped_by_param_set"] self.gateset_opt_map = data["opt_map"] indeces = self.select_from_data(self.batch_sizes[target]) for ipar in indeces: count += 1 data_set = self.learn_from[ipar] seqs_pp = self.seqs_per_point m_vals = data_set["results"][:seqs_pp] m_stds = np.array(data_set["results_std"][:seqs_pp]) m_shots = data_set["shots"][:seqs_pp] sequences = data_set["seqs"][:seqs_pp] num_seqs = len(sequences) if target == "all": num_seqs = len(sequences) * 3 with tf.GradientTape() as t: sim_vals = self._one_par_sim_vals( current_params, data_set, ipar, target ) if target == "all": one_goal = neg_loglkh_multinom_norm( m_vals, tf.stack(sim_vals), tf.constant(m_stds, dtype=tf.float64), tf.constant(m_shots, dtype=tf.float64), ) else: one_goal = g_LL_prime( m_vals, tf.stack(sim_vals), tf.constant(m_stds, dtype=tf.float64), tf.constant(m_shots, dtype=tf.float64), ) exp_stds.extend(m_stds) exp_shots.extend(m_shots) seq_weigths.append(num_seqs) goals.append(one_goal.numpy()) grads.append(t.gradient(one_goal, current_params).numpy()) sim_values.extend(sim_vals) exp_values.extend(m_vals) self._log_one_dataset(data_set, ipar, indeces, sim_vals, count) goal = g_LL_prime_combined(goals, seq_weigths) grad = dv_g_LL_prime(goals, grads, seq_weigths) # print(f"{seq_weigths=}\n{goals=}\n{grads=}\n{goal=}\n{grad=}\n") with open(self.logdir + self.logname, "a") as logfile: logfile.write("\nFinished batch with ") logfile.write("{}: {}\n".format(self.fom.__name__, goal)) for cb_fom in self.callback_foms: val = float(cb_fom(exp_values, sim_values, exp_stds, exp_shots).numpy()) logfile.write("{}: {}\n".format(cb_fom.__name__, val)) logfile.flush() self.optim_status["params"] = [ par.numpy().tolist() for par in self.pmap.get_parameters() ] self.optim_status["goal"] = goal self.optim_status["gradient"] = list(grad.flatten()) self.optim_status["time"] = time.asctime() self.evaluation += 1 return goal, grad